
OK, I see a lot of women here posting that they cannot help crying, loathe it, and never intentionally use it in an argument; it just happens. And I see a lot of people saying "I'm sure some adult women crying are being manipulative." But I haven't seen any posts from women saying "Yes, I use this as a tactic." So,

OK, obviously all terrible, bc its Reddit, and the internet is a cesspool.

That's not the point. We still don't know what we are capable of until we do said thing. Zimmerman has already done said thing. He is capable of killing, because he has done that.

That's what publicists are for.

Oh my God, phew. That was a close one. We can still be friends.

Prediction: after eating sandwich #298, Eric tells Stephanie that it's not working, and he wants to see other people. "Other people" turns out to be a 23-year-old Trustafarian conceptual artist who doesn't cook.

When Miley was here filming LOL, a few people I know were working as grips on the set. One of her tour guides while she was here was a scratch DJ with a library of Detroit hip hop vinyl that goes back to the early eighties, and more knowledge of Detroit hip hop and rave culture than anyone I know. By his own

I've been told by multiple men that they were initially attracted to me, but then i asked them out. The fact that I had to ask them out instead of waiting patiently (for months I guess), meant that I was desperate. If I wasn't desperate, I wouldn't have asked them out. At least three men in a row told me that me

Sorry Jez, that's a nice thought, but I am afraid the answer is still:

I know. It's just that she seems REALLY REALLY BUSY lately with the porno and the plastic surgery and the photo shoots and all the FARRAH FARRAH FARRAH stuff, and I haven't heard a word about that baby in forever.

yeah I had a guy tell me not to tell people that I had a masters degree (whenever the subject of education came up) because guys find to too intimidating and I would never get a date. because of smarts. yeah. (and it's just a masters degree, not like two PhD's or anything like that)

If homosexuality WAS a choice, i'd choose it. I get so tired of men's fragile little egos.

you picked the better video?

If by the Ross Geller of rap you mean the hottest guy around then yes, Madeleine, I AGREE.

YouTube is also crap.

This expression so perfectly captures the essence of his personality.

I always feel like I gain more appreciation of shows when I'm watching for the second and third time, because I'm not just a nervous ball of "ARE THEY GOING TO SHOOT JESSE?? I CAN'T WATCH, I CAN'T WATCH, I CAN'T WATCH!!" and I can just focus on the finer points of the story.

Hahahaha O ELLE u so jelly, you're not even being subtle. You'll never have a fraction of Miley's cash, and you actually had to prance around naked while letting a soggy-lipped old man blow cigar smoke into your open mouth.

Isn't the old "take a male character and turn it female" problematic as well? Doesn't that still treat the male experience of life as the standard for all human experience?