
No, no... See that's where you're wrong! She, like Labrie, raped a bunch of 13-yr-olds for status and pleasure which is what she's known for. Tyranny of the aristocracy, be damned!

Ok, but question: if you have it ON your snatch, what’s preventing it from getting IN your snatch.

Except that’s not what they DO. At a time when illegal immigration and the companies that abuse it are down (at one point, like 90% of conventional fruits and vegetables were picked by illegals, and a lot of our construction to boot), now republican politicians are changing laws to make it harder for those legally in

Yeah, the look mighta worked minus the fake tan. If she'd been pale she coulda been anime character.

It might not be your “job”, but it certainly adds to a general atmosphere of a break down of communication and the splintered realties of our subjective “facts”.

I think in both cases if you wanted to argue a differing viewpoint, you’d do it exactly the same way. You would say you disagreed and present instances that supported your viewpoint at which they would be able to counter with experiences that supported their viewpoint. Point-counterpoint until both of you understood

Sure... I guess my point is that disagreeing is an opener to s conversation, finding out the barriers where we agree or disagree.

Except that’s not often how it’s used. It’s: “I’m offended. You’re hurting me.” End of discussion, as if no differing opinion is tolerated.

Could be. Definitely must be stressful, when white people cant take racial tension when reflected back at them.

But if you’re truly trying to have a discussion, establishing actual viewpoints, bringing in feelings doesn’t actually express ones actual views, but deflects the conversation.

No - “Jewess”



Keep the government’s hands out of our pockets, and off our guns...

Dated a few of those. Jeah!

No I just don't like people posting their times as a milepost for someone else to past.

No, you’re boastful. :49 is my best time for a 10K... Everyone should run at their own pace - enjoy the sky, enjoy the music if you’re listening to any. If you’re running a race, enjoy the camraderie and look at the times as only a marker of your own accomplishment, not as something to “get” to.

God, I hated her articles, but maybe this is her medium! That was pretty funny.

Who knows what she tweeted. She tweeted something random and ambiguous. BUT even if she had tweeted what you wrote, do you think it would still justify any IRL threats she must be receiving right now?

Right, but why go overboard on her social media accounts. The pitchfork mob may have spoken, but all it takes is one crazy to start SWATing her house, or hacking a personal account and posting it online.