
The couple is 25 and 26. At that age I was still bartending on the weekends to make the ends meet for my entry-level wage salary.

Horribly misguided? I wouldn’t call it “horribly” misguided.

As a ‘90s child, this is what I miss about punk - there’s something missing when you can’t mosh out your political angst.

I think you just illustrated why I stopped listening to rock music

Guh. No. I made it through exactly half of one of their songs. If they fuck as insufferably as they sing, I don't think I'd even last that long.

I guess it's all subjective. I really dislike their music and can't imagine anything less sexy than watching them fuck.

What happened at the end of three years?

Can I ask a question: Did your family help at all? Are they helping now?

Good for you. Mine stopped when child services was called in at 14 when I came to school with a swollen nose and two black eyes (he’d hit me on the bridge of my nose). Funny thing about that, though. He blamed me for it and called me all sorts of nasty names. And that stopped when I moved out the following year ‘cause

Man, we had similar childhoods, except my dad’s Jewish and he's still blacked out beating me as a kid. Too bad social services didn't.

I still have a relationship with my alcoholic father, but it still gets under my skin that he can’t remember “flying off the handle” while drunk and hitting me.

Oh dear. My heart goes out to you. You are absolutely not alone in having a difficult parent whom you love, but can’t get through to.


See, it didn’t even occur to me in my 20s to even think about kids. I was too busy partying and traveling and exploring for anything like that to even have entered my head.

I’m childless because it wasn’t a priority when I was young enough to have them, then I got divorced at the wrong age, and then I relocated to an area that statistically favors men. Now that I’m too old to have children, being single doesn’t bother me as much as not having a committed family. It’s just me out here in

Meh, I doubt that. I don’t remember nude photos, but I remember plenty of gossip about all the men she’d been linked with, pictures from her studio 54 days, etc.

Right, up to and including government corruption, narrowly escaping conviction for it and building a reputation on a lie while directly benefitting from nepotism. Sounds pretty republican to me!

Wow. They literally covered her face and erased her name. They might as well have called her ‘Toy’... Obvious what they were implying.

And Nicholas Sarkozy was considered s buffoon and an irrational person for it (and other reasons). Bruni was seen as attention-seeking and power-hungry.

See, you almost got it when you mentioned the construction crews. These are companies profiting from illegal labor. ‘Wetbacks’ crossing the border is down, but people not having means to becoming legal is up. These people have two choices once that happens - go home, which if they’re unskilled they can’t afford to;