
So... carry the fetus to terms at all costs. Getting into a discussion about whether or not a fetus is a life is beyond the point, or whether the government has the right to decide that a fetus’ life is more important than the woman carrying it... It also speaks to the ABSOLUTE HYPOCRISY of the religious right because

So... You liked him in 1898?

Wow... That's a real thing? And there's people watching it? Guhhhh, how awful

:-D well, you’re being a little bitter. I used to go to them when I was living in Europe, but then they are MUCH less expensive than the ones here... I also remember them as being a bunch cooler when going with a bunch of friends and getting well lit!

Aren't these festivals SUPER expensive, too? I'm in New York, but I remember looking at Governors Ball last year for about $150 a day pass. I liked *some* of the music, but I'm also a lot older than the target audience and felt that was too much to spend for some trendy stuff I found off of YouTube anyway.

??? You realize I'm a woman.

That’s not fair. Matrix was its own film. That was also beautifully told - as a live action! I would hate it just as much if they decided to remake the Matrix as an anime

?? I know it as a movie - a really beautiful one. The concept is not only a big one in terms of contemporary philosophy, it’s beautifully and artistically told.

They’re making a live action? Why? The animation in the original is so beautiful that the only way to justify a remake is some huge advancement in the beauty or quality of the imagery. Otherwise it’s just Hollywood doing what Hollywood does... Casting Scarlette Johansson as the Japanese lead might give us a clue,

Since you’re having so much trouble:

I mean, as fascinating as mental disorders are, isn’t this kind of distasteful - playing into the delusions of a sick woman.

Right, I’m with you - EXCEPT I do have those times when I’m caught outside the gym or normal “places of workout”, then I feel like a horrible disgusting scrub in my raggedy Tshirt and threadbare leggings.

Well, you're not entirely accurate. For the picture linked in the post - hell YEAH - no white person should be wearing their hair like THAT! But you do know that Scottish and Irish highlanders often had their styled in matted fashions. Wind whipping around even fine hair WILL twine it together.

? British spelling. You know like color/colour; theater/theatre

Hugh Mungo ... Is another name ‘Us’?

Same. But to be fair, would you want to work next to all those television asshats? I remember them from the press junkets - nonsensical shoes and long meandering questions that had more to do with themselves than the subject

What Kid Electron? Is it a new band or something?

This reminds me of la esquina in soho. Same “assholes only” entry policy, same entry through the kitchen + $20 drinks. I was dating a rich man who claimed this place as his personal living room. I met a few international business people who were half-way interesting, the rest were coked up rich college students or

He knows that and finds that deeply frightening and longs for the days when they all still looked like Mickey Rooney and said “Ching Chong” all day long.

A) this doesn’t feel like it’s being ironic B) you’re right, even ironic racism can ‘hurt’ people, but the author is not responsible to all who get hurt.