

Right, but wish it were only whoever this Kyle is. Whenever an article about sex comes up, they’re all singing the praises of compartmentelization - like here. But then other articles come up where it’s like talking about rape culture, or the objectification of women, and they just can’t see how that connects.

I was reading the article attached to this “fucking is fucking and dating is dating”. Since when?!? Maybe when you’re drunk at a party, but Tinder and the like is built for judgement, and not only for who you’re gonna ask to “service” you. Gross. I hate the way this site talks about emotions sometimes, seriously.

Agreed. I don't understand the comparison other than they're both women and singing in a vaguely R&B style

Well... I know that! But I don’t *know* that, I’m just jealous of all the girls that were more self possessed than me and were more in charge of themselves to be able to love ‘em and leave ‘em. Me? When I was younger, I thought cheap sex the gateway and that if I stuck around long enough they *might* love me. How

Really? I am Soooo jealous of you right now, because I have definitely experienced dudes running away at even a *hint* of emotion. I would’ve loved to have had the opportunity to “love ‘em and leave ‘em” and break their hearts just out of SPITE!!!!

Agreed on the 1996 comments, but honestly, didn’t you get the feeling the young woman was lamenting not being able to compartmentalize as easily as men? That they were all afraid of “catching feelings”... Back in the ‘90s only the shittiest jerks were afraid of falling in love, now it seems everyone in this young

:-) Just an off-the-cuff. No relation at all to the Caribbean, but unless you got Wikipedia in the back of your pocket, you do?

Sounds like a Caribbean country - Tobago or Jamaica.

I didn’t have trouble with this. “Biracial” means that both sides of your family claim you as legitimate. This is a fairly recent phenomenon. A lot of American blacks are the result of the “one drop rule”, meaning that even if all of their ancestors save one were white, they’d still be considered black according to


Blehhhhh. You’re ridiculous. Sorry I intimidated you. Just mean I don't get the TJ hype. It’s only much cheaper for convenience foods. If that's not your bag, what's the point?

I never said “hip” status. I just have no need for frozen foods. In my part of the country, you have to travel to get there when there are local supermarkets. I work with people (and live with people) who tell me ALL the time how great it is, but the only time I’ve ever been there I had to take a subway or a bus to

No, but that’s what makes it cheaper. Since I don’t care about that stuff anyway, there’s not much draw for me to go away from my local supermarket just so I can go out of my way to get cheaper frozen and convenience foods.

I've heard of them... Just the way I shop and eat and cook, the idea of getting them frozen doesn't make sense to me

Right, but for the things that they are actually cheaper for - packaged processed food - if you don’t eat those things, traveling out of your way to get your rice, vegetables and milk seems a bit of overkill.

I’ve never felt a desire or a need for frozen food, I don't eat breakfast cereal and all the things people seem to love about TJ (cookies, sweetened yogurt) are all kind of gross to me. I just want food to be food. That and the whole needing to drive/take public transportation to a supermarket... I just don't get the

What? What are these things. It’s like you’re speaking a foreign language... I don’t eat like this, ergo Trader Joe’s makes no sense to me.

Nice, thanks!

Huh... It sounds like I’m quite a bit older than you. Pictures aren’t a main concern, but looking like my face isn’t painted with powdery substances is. And yeah, at your age, I didn’t wear foundation either, lol!