
Oooh, I wanna hear why you got the recommendation. What makes this blush so special?

But what do you recommend for a more natural looking foundation? I’ve been through all the BB and CC cream rounds and gotten discouraged cause while I look great in photos, IRL, my skin looks like chalk. Any luminescent foundations with breathability?

:-D I love this comment too much.

If one could only look for jobs in the immediate area, you’d have to become an expert in a lot of things real quick, or start getting comfortable moving whenever the work environment changed.

Dang, don’t say that too loud... There will be those who come on here just to tell you to move to where COL is lower, “Not everyone gets to live in San Francisco or New York City,” they’ll say. Or, “Why do you have to work in a rich community? Plenty of people need teachers and bartenders in poorer places.”

Because these are NOT people who watch news or listen to debates, or even have the slightest idea of anything happening politically.

I agree. I mean, I’m bothered by how much transgenderism is played up. Statistically it’s less common than autism or agoraphobia, but gets treated as though there are more people suffering from it than cancer. And it is a weird disorder. Considering that people’s identities change so much and are fluid in nature, it

From someone with a similar trajectory (writing on staff for a newspaper), then going into increasingly more precarious freelance professions between 2004-2009 when I finally gave up the ghost for a different profession, this is the first year that I have actually earned enough to support myself without using public

Don't be so defensive. It was a good point. In the snarky spirit of things, congratulate him on his wit! That was good!

I love the satire that is this article

You’re right - it’s semantics. But to me, calling someone ‘toxic’ or ‘negative’ smacks of magical thinking. Better to say that the person broke your trust, is self-centered or hurt you too much to stay in your life. It’s also kind of prohibits your fully feeling the emotions of betrayal you might be experiencing. I

Agreed. She was selfish - that’s not ‘toxic’ though. It also doesn’t mean she’ll always be selfish.

There aren’t “negative” people, relationships aren’t “toxic” - like a disease you can get from being too close to the “wrong” people.

Kitchen bitches! Hey, girl!

I can’t say about all levels - but in the boutique restaurants, the ones that are more likely to get foreign culinary students from Asia or somewhere like that (not Europe!), I do think the younger ones are a little bit better. That does not mean there are more females though!

Which is why it's great someone thought to actually pursue it! Get some change up in here!

Wow. Sounds like every restaurant I ever worked in (usually as the lone female chef).

Ha ha! So true, and well stated. I usually say the Ur-(Pressures of the the privileged class) novel is “Catcher in the Rye.”

It’s just boring. It’s a perspective that you’ve heard before - he’s a witty white intellectual writing about the privileged class and their endless striving for perfection and the pressures that puts on themselves. He might try to throw in a working class character or two, but they always end up seeming like sitcom

Think you got a best seller there!