Your statement (which I agree with with) may be the scariest thing I've read today.
Your statement (which I agree with with) may be the scariest thing I've read today.
It's not that simple. We have multiple stories to cover in one day. Those often include breaking news events that can last long hours where we are on our feet or in other uncomfortable positions. We may have to run, walk, or climb a great deal to the breaking news. We wear comfortable clothes because we don't always…
So the guy that is drowning a plastic pony in semen can be horrified by something. That's good to know.
We've been married 21 years. I think part of raising children to have a healthy attitude about sex is to be honest about the fact that Mom and Dad have a sex life. My 19 year old son thinks we are "creepy" when my husband and I share a bubble bath in the jacuzzi tub but at least he is creeped out for the right reason.
My mother in law (small A cup) has boobs-in-a-box for special occasions. She really does. She says I don't understand ( D cup)
Not in the least bit worried. I don't really like it, but when I can't sleep it's better than NyQuil :-)
Welp. Now I know what the secret ingredient in my favorite sleeping potion is...
I'm thinking no. Breast milk isn't all that tasty. Unless shaking it causes something magical happen, I can't imagine the butter being better than store bought.
I think we spent maybe $300 on the wedding. Just family at a friends house. We were buying a home, and being married was more important than getting married. It's been almost 22 years, though, so I guess it's gonna work out.
Crystal Bridges is amazing. It offers an array of programs and experiences to area school children at no cost.
They need to get an exterminator in their closet, or some moth balls. Quickly.
My dog will do *anything* for bits of cheese. He was completely and permanently housebroken in two weeks because of his love for cheese.
Otter Box can't buy advertising that good.
I was in a bad relationship for six years. When I got out of it, I resolved to treat the next significant person in my life like an adult. He was responsible for his actions, good or bad, and would be responsible for solving whatever consequences arose from those actions. It's amazing the better quality relationships…
It's okay. October is coming. They will put pink on everything and think that will appease the ladies; even though a pitiful amount of the funding for the pink crap goes to funding what it is supposed to.
We told our little that anything covered by his underwear was private, and only him, Mom, Dad or the doctor was allowed to see or touch that area. He needed to tell us if anyone else did. We used the technical terms for all of our parts, but also told him that some things are private and unless he is having a problem,…
A nothing network. Fox has no "news" anywhere in it.
Sigh. I'm going to screaming this the entire month of October. It begins now. Think before you pink, people. That money isn't going where you think it's going.
My parents live in Arkansas. Businesses tweet more often than individuals. Entree is a trend because restaurants are advertising their specials on social media.
Both of my dogs are now barking at my computer...