
26 hours of labor. Baby had his chin hooked around my pelvic bone. Every contraction pushed his skull into my spine. Epidural wore off after two hours then I couldn't have another because it was affecting his heart rate. It took them 20 hours to decide I needed an emergency c section. Have I mentioned he is an only

We have an only. He is 19 and I have never regretted having just one. They are portable. You can still travel and have a life. It is the best of both worlds.

I'm an easy going person, but I'm a Mama bear with my cub. You need to set boundaries now and insist they be followed. This is your child, your birth, your body. No one should be there that you don't want. If they are insisting, insist right back. If you don't stand strong now, it will be harder to later when they try

I think it gets easier. Young Dazed was a difficult baby/toddler but a fun child and a joy (not kidding) as a teenager. He was self sufficient and easier to take care of. We could have actual conversations and discussions. The older he was the easier he was to parent. He is 19 now, and every year was easier.

I was 29 when my son was born. We were financially secure, happily married, and both sets of parents lived nearby and were joyfully happy to help. I had longed for a child and was thrilled to be a mother. And still, it was so, so hard. With all the support, everything as perfect as it could be, it was so hard. I was

I'm actually more concerned that one leg appears about two feet longer than the other...did we ever notice her walking with a pronounced limp?

No, you don't. You need to embrace yourself, faults, flaws, blemishes and all. We all do.

Showing my age, but we had Jolt when I was in college. Marketed as "all the sugar, twice the caffeine." I took many finals high on that stuff.

Umm. When is your next party and when will my invite arrive?

Okay, I'll play. First, sticking up for yourself will get you killed. Pretty damn simple. Second, you stay because he threatens your children. Your parents. Your nieces and nephews. Your grandparents. He can and will hurt them. You stay and do anything to protect the ones you love. If you haven't lived with an evil

It's his right to do what he wants in his restaurant. Dumb, but he owns the place. It is the community's right to show him the error of his ways by not going to his establishment. We are adults. We are allowed to eat what we want.

Pinterest makes me twitchy. I'm glad I'm not alone.

Sorry to be confusing. I simply don't think men would have children, even if they could. I don't think they would go through pregnancy and childbirth. It takes nine uncomfortable months, then it really hurts. I truly don't think most men would be up for that.

Baby Dazed had his chin hooked around my pelvis bone. He was happy in there. He wasn't coming out. Nope. Not coming. 26 hours later they decided a c section might help...

When it's over, you have a baby :-) Don't let horror stories scare you. We tell them as a badge of honor because we survived something men would not. Humans would cease to exist if men were in charge of childbirth. Mine was 26 hours and the epidural wore off after 2 hours. It was affecting the baby's heart, so no more

I'm in a career that has me in the public eye. I use my maiden name, in part to protect my family and our privacy. Mr. Dazed routinely gets referred to by people that only know us because of my job as Mr. My Maiden Name. I think it's funny. He is resigned to it by now.

Sorry. I thought the water was cold. Still, a toddler doesn't always get what she wants, precisely because she doesn't know what she is asking for. I wouldn't have done it.

Who dumps ice water on a child? This is cruel. As far as her cursing, she didn't create those words, she heard them. Baby girl shouldn't be punished for repeating what she is obviously hearing said around her.

What they have can not, in a civilized society, be considered brisket. It's ... something. It can't be brisket.

You're doing it wrong. A wood chipper is more efficient. Small pieces are easier to hide...