
When we first married, we were living in an older house. I had just left for work when Mr. Dazed heard a ruckus in the bathroom. He open the cabinet below the sink to find a raccoon had climbed through an opening around the pipes. He called his Dad to help him with the chase that ensued. They agreed that I was not to

With fans like that, who needs enemies?

You really don't. My Prince Charming was just a well disguised toad. I met a regular guy a year later and we have been blissfully married for more than 21 years. I go where I want, when I want. He could care less what I wear or who my friends are. If it works for me, he's good with it. The freedom in that, after six

Mine was highly ambitious. As in wanting to be Governor and beyond. Which was, of course, why I needed so much help to be the proper companion.

I have a teenage son (God, help me) and every teenage girl he knows wants a boyfriend like Christian because they think that total focus is exciting. Sad sigh...

As someone that was once in an abusive relationship, I agree. I was 19. He was a lawyer. His favorite reasoning was he loved me so much he just wanted to help me. By, you know, "helping" me choose where I went, what I wore, who my friends were. I finally realized him telling me "no one else will ever love you like I

Showing my total lack of hipness, but when I first flipped this on, I saw them performing and thought "what the hell happened to JLo?"

I think it was a stunt, just like last year's performance was a stunt. But, at least this stunt was for a good cause.