
From the makers of

I guess you guys are just spoiled my gaming’s new formats.
Hub-world item collecting was the stuff of legends back in the days and Banjo Kazooie was its grand daddy.

One of the best games together with its sequel. Lengthy game that had worlds with completely different themes and tasks. Kept the game fresh from

I think the N64 in general just aged poorly compared to any Nintendo console :/.

Now playing

Hoping the handlenames of these players are similar to the East/West Bowl Series:

So stunning it broke my PC.

Re. 2., waste sucks.

As a liberal, it's fun to mock the anti-science idiocy of the right-wing. But nuclear power is decidedly where liberals run afoul of scientific reality.

Is it really that big of a deal? Do you get Dragon age origins and ea's origin mixed up too?

So the Spartan-IVs are hunting down Master Chief?

Speculation time!

So I think someone got a hold of the Diadect's technology and used it to attack a human colony. Since Master Chief is the only one completely immune to the weapon, and the only person left alive that knows the extent of the weapons capabilities, blame

Long road trips along highways/routes that have speedtrap towns.

I'd assert in contrast, Halo 4 actually managed to introduce a new arc to the franchise with its involvement of not only the Forerunners as the main antagonists, but open Chief up emotionally, something that was removed from the previous Halo story arc. With Chief now essentially being already a "relic of the past,"

Some of the censorship on Japanese broadcast anime is getting pretty ridiculous. I started trying to watch Tokyo Ghoul until, after two episodes, I saw just how heavily censored it is. All those added shadows, entire sequences with inverted colors, and so forth. I think it's less to do with network standards and more

This plug-in stuff is nonsense. The best way to go is to replace gas stations with battery stations. Pull up to the station, remove the battery, insert it into the battery swapping machine, get the new battery, pop it into the car, and off you go.

Okay, honesty time: How many of us would actually pull over and stop on the freeway for a black Monte Carlo with no police badging and tiny police-looking lights that's running you off the road in a very unprofessional way? I know I wouldn't. I would get the fuck out of there, and if he kept pursuing, I would pull

The game will still be playable, but again, the PS4 cannot capture that same experience of motion control + the ability to move the screen around. It changes how the orientation and motion is experience where on the Vita is fluid while on the PS4 it will be fix.

I bet $5 that within an hour of traffic there will be bikes in the walking lane and walkers in the bike lane.

My PSVita called, it wants to play this game!

She's Japanese, and good for those that are defending that on the comment boards in Japan. Time to catch up with a considerable chunk of the world on this one, Japan.

Eve is one of those games that creates epic stories of triumph and loss but then when you go to play it you realize it's a spreadsheet simulator.

Why would anyone pay a subscription to play a team based shooter? If anything it should just be buy to play like most pc games.