
Oh for sure, I don’t think we should completely remove capitalism. Of course unions are the solution. Otherwise, these lovely companies wouldn’t fight tooth and nail to keep their employees from unionizing.

Get rid of it? No. Leave things as they are? Definitely not.

Edit: capitalism as it is and how these people would

Sounds to me like Arch Warhammer is a dick.

Remember ten years ago when people were absolutely enraged that a game might have an “always online” requirement?

Nah, culling the ones trying to be edgy gives room to those who would rather not be part of a shit wave of that channel. And those that would not want to be left out will learn how to at least behave. These people are riding on assumptions like yours that their market is too large to ignore, when the right answer is

Forced arbitration blatantly disregards due process and should be illegal.

I don’t disagree that accessibility is a great thing to have in games. I just don’t believe that developers should be lampooned for creating a specific, crafted, difficult experience, if they’re not interested in capturing a wide audience. Not every game has to appeal to everyone.

Games are just as much an artistic expression as any other medium. If the developers intend for the game to be a tough, difficult, but equally rewarding challenge, then by all means they should be able to keep the game as they like it. Obviously plenty of people enjoy it, it’s not like the game has flown under the

Hell, it’s almost as if this current cultural event inspired me to write about things that have been lingering in my mind since at least 2015. 

Or it’s the fact Epic launching their own service and games pulling out of Steam is big news, and this is a games site whose job is to review and preview games...

With that in mind they have every right to be annoyed.

I recently visited my girlfriend’s aunt, uncle and her nephews - the kids are the only ones who play video games in their whole family so I have a pretty good rapport with them. We’re sitting there chatting about stupid little kid stuff (they’re 9 and 11) and they start talking about bashing Jews and laughing about

Nope. It’s always a reflection of some part of society, either current or historical, seen through an author’s imagination. It’s impossible for any piece of fiction (or non-fiction) to be completely apolitical. People, by their very nature, have opinions. When creating, those opinions shine through.

Is the whole Trump administration illiterate?

Yeah Overwatch does not having something for everyone. I honestly cant stand the game. Game should be called Overrated.

It’s a JRPG about pop stars... I’m certainly not in it for the story ;)

It’s an Atlus game. If you’re gonna get into it you’ve gotta be in it for the gameplay because that’s what’s best. That’s how Atlus rolls with everything that isn’t Persona. You didn’t even include 7th dragon on this list, but #FE is for the same people.

There’s a difference between working for a customer you don’t particularly like (or even loath) vs publicly acting to prop up and celebrate them. More than that, because this isn’t just “a job” they have to deal with becoming a propaganda tool for a politician who supports legislature that may directly seek to negate

I hope they do “Springtime for Hitler.”

You’re wrong. You perceive an anime character to be caucasian because as a caucasian, your default perception of how a person looks is caucasian but Japanese would view the average Anime Character design as Japanese.

If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, looks like a duck. It’s probably a duck.