
To some yes. For me, it depends but it's not desirable (I much rather play MGS games in English especially when Kojima goes through that extra step to make sure the lip sync, and VA performance are in sync with the in game model).


Awesome, so the subscriber base will be something like 400 people, right? Cause you know, mass adoption of Apple TV and all.

Is Kotaku on Vacation? Where's all the news on GDC?

PS4 owners should have bought a PC if resolution was their biggest concern. Like lol wut? I'm not saying consoles are bad but if presentation is your setting point then yeah you need a PC - this is known.

Shorter version, if you just want the list of the list of what she says are "Eight things developers can do to make games less shitty for women", paraphrased from my notes... not that a lot of this pertain to action games and probably make more sense if you're thinking about first and third-person shooters, the Arkham

Dlc = job stability which equals....

The problem is that what is being offered is never clearly communicated. So people buy in, thinking they are getting one thing, and find something decidedly not what they were lead to believe was in the box.

As long as the DLC is like expansion packs. Not a fan of buying many pieces that adds up to an insane amount. I remember Expansion packs use to be around half the price as the full game, and came with enough content to be it's own game.

pretty sure these are the foam things i've seen floating around on facebook cosplay pages recently

Microsoft needs to only work on Tocks (98, XP, 7). Nobody wants their piece of crap Ticks. (8, Vista, ME)

This is satisfying to watch for some reason.

Now playing

Was looking forward to that game ... not anymore, they f*cked it up. "DLC Collector: The Videogame" has to launch without me, maybe I'll pick up the GotY in a year or so ... if the game survives until then, it did already incredibly poor on the Steam charts the last few days, considering it's a big AAA game that's

I've played the beta. I thought it was pretty fun. But I would not blindly hand over my money.

For those who preordered Evolve, after the terrible 2014 AAA game releases and the DLC BS, which include paywalling the more powerful monster, I have one question for you: Why?

Evolve and all of its DLC bullshit can die in a fire.

Are we seriously crying about not being able to get the lesser version of a gaming experience in the name of arbitrary customization? Because we're all seven years old? The platform I choose mostly revolves around the actual gaming experience. Some may call me crazy but...

That said, not giving options is stupid. But

Other than their lackluster drivers, their graphic cards do just fine.

Now playing

Well I know someone who's gonna REALLY enjoy the future...