
Fairly sure it's on the Wii eShop as well.

"You were almost a Jill sandwich!"

let's be honest here - these hostages probably ARE going to die, and it won't be because of a silly meme. It's because of people trying to use fear as a means of control - the definitive terrorist. Best way to not die? Don't go to the fucking Middle East. Best way to fight terrorism? Don't bow to their control. If

This is the correct way to handle these numbskulls, bravo on the kids who came up with this.

Plays fine on the PC...

The controls are as much a part of RE as the zombies.

I guess the consoles can't handle those pre-rendered backgrounds :P

Money talks too. It doesn't help everyone who wants the New 3DS standard version has probably already preorded the XL.

Or you just buy one of those and you can charge it everywhere, no matter the country. That way I keep my 3DS charged on holidays, without being near an outlet (I have a 13000 mAh battery pack on me).

Got mine!

I'm sorry, but this is completely incorrect. The MonHun community is one of the most friendly and welcoming communities out there, even to complete and total noobs and to newbies as well. He will be just fine.

third-person means usually the camera is behind or over the shoulder of your character. Classic moba has a top down view.

"Tis better to text with cold hands than to be seen wearing "touchscreen gloves."

"Tis better to text with cold hands than to be seen wearing "touchscreen gloves."

Things have not been easy for the little portable console ever since its launch over 3 years ago. One of the biggest complaints early on after the Vita's release was the lackluster library of games. However, since then, things have picked up somewhat. While it has yet to release a million-selling game in Japan, the

Yeah there's a PlayStation app that pretty much does the same thing. Though it's not required that games use it when connecting to a mobile app.

When you see it....

Three Fingers turned upward = Half Life 3? O.o

more effort to localize Japanese games.

Games Actually Functioning at Launch