
Trick question! They both were infiltrated by Cylons......

I think we all know the answer is because they are terrible people. I know that some people, especially when they are teens, think it's funny to piss lots of people off. It's not. They're just making the world a little worse.

This is like someone breaking into an art gallery and then, when ordinary people can't go to the gallery for 2 months because it's being repaired, claiming they just did it "to show that the owners should invest in some better security".

I can't wait to see the pictures of the police dragging those teens out of their mom's house and into a cop car.

Your user name is rather apt.

We don't know, we're trees!

Apparently you haven't read about the people who turn to prayer to heal their sick kids and then they end up dying. Unfortunately not everyone was on board there either.


Windows XP, hell yeah!

The world needs a new Jim platformer. So much god damn personality in those games...

What's your point? the emotions are real

Thank you so much for including Wolfenstein. I feel like that game is criminally overlooked.

You can definitely feel that it was made by veterans of Starbreeze, because it has a lot of their little signature touches in the world-building and pacing of the game. The whole experience is so much more clever, ambitious,

Good thing the Wii U is wireless capable and most games can be played directly on the controller! :P Seriously, the Wii U is an awesome system


This boy will be the chosen one!

This generation thus far keeps rewarding me from staying the hell away from games at launch until months and months later when they manage to fix the games (usually along with a price drop).

Just imagine they are extra parts that hold the cockpit glass together :P

Was kinda weird seeing Sackboy with the PS1/2. I still wish Crash was still PlayStation's mascot.

From an art standpoint I get it, but it also means tons of white, black and red. I can see that getting visually boring after awhile.

If ninty just had a hdmi out put on their portables, controllers UGH