
well whatever angle you want to look at it, i think she was gorgeous before surgery.

Indeed. AAA exclusive titles are definitely a risk, which is why most of those games are multiplat, or timed exclusives. Honestly, I play on consoles for the exclusives and PC for those multiplat titles.

It'll build up its first party library and it'll be great like always, but Wii U's relatively low power will keep third parties from making any games for it because cross-platform titles are too much trouble, and exclusive titles are too risky.

Quality deserves a high price tag. That's what Nintendo games offer over other companies, that's what Nintendo's fans pay for.

Seriously? He openly refused to lay off employees, then cut his own pay. You've got to be the only person on the planet who's cynical enough to find something negative in that.

It's not really practical, but it's a good gesture, and good PR as well. It shows they're admitting to their mistakes and taking SOME kind of responsibility for them. It shows that they're wiling to incentivize themselves to improve their company's financial situation.

It's an awesome console though, especially if you don't care for social media.

I think we can all agree that the Dreamcast is in fact, better than aforementioned platforms.


They have an idea, and it's marketing. From a marketing perspective they are doing exactly what MS and Sony and Samsung and Google and Apple and etc will do

This is EXACTLY the right way of handling Nintendo Content on Smartphones. Release a Nintendo APP, with trailers, and mini games, then end the demos with directions to get the full experience on Wii U or 3DS, Use Smart devices as Gateways to bring customers to their hardware and games.

That's why we game on PC.

They did. The series originated on the PS2 and had a HD PS3 port of MHP3rd. None of them sold ANYWHERE near as well as the PSP or 3DS ones.

If the hunters didn't pose they'd just make the chugging animations longer. The point is that using items isn't supposed to be quick so you have to be careful when you use them. For instance not chugging a potion when a monster is charging you. The animation may seem a little silly, but making items faster would

Simple, when the Vita has a bigger install base then the 3DS in Japan.

Well it boils down to a few things.

Xbox is a tiny market in Japan, which is were this game sells the most numbers.

As for the new consoles I think it's more that people would expect a higher graphical level if it was to come for those consoles. The Wii U fanbase was happy with the slightly improved graphics of

The game is aimed at a japanese market which is why it fits better to have it on the handhelds. And the Wii version did much better here in the West than all of the PSP game sales combined lol

All my dreams and wishes... Just came true single tear rolls down face

Considering they just made the best Mario, Fire Emblem and Zelda games in years, I'd say I'm ok with their "rehashes".

Listen, I don't pick side here, but it is CLEARLY stupid comparing TWO different VERSION of game.