
So? Advertising is advertising.

You know son, there's another drug you can get high on. It's called, "responsibility".

While the points that you make are all reasonable, I don't think that you've made the case that these details are as important as all that. Should these tech details be discussed on the periphery of video game discussion? Yes. Certainly. But the emphasis is totally backwards right now. Gameplay and theory should

Nearly all of my favorite games are in 480p or worse.

Still seems like a gimmick to me. I really don't think that in 10 years everybody will be staring at curved TVs or computer monitors. Like 3D TV was the next thing a few years ago, and now?

I just can't wait for Web 3.0: anti-social internet, where everyone keeps to themselves.

By 2017? Not soon enough...

So. Cute. x_x Too bad there isn't a version for teaching Japanese!

A first person rpg along the lines of the above game or Skyrim set in feudal Japan would be fantastic. Just thinking about wandering around feudal Japan in first person in a video game makes me giddy.

Ooh the gameplay part of the video made me absolutely giddy. So it looks like it has an Elder Scrolls feel sans magic and mythical creatures. Very tempted to Kickstart this game it looks exactly like the type of open world rpg I have been wanting to play for a long time.

Guess how Blizzard tested out the integrated cash shop in WoW...with fake currency they handed out, the same way that many games have tested their cash shops before launch. They used an artificial currency system and would give that currency to players so they could ensure that everything worked. It's not as if

How? A game that's in beta is still being tested, and while you can charge for access to said beta (kinda a gray area), the cash shop should not be functional. If you are actively accepting payment for features within the game, then the game should be considered a finished product.

"Open beta with a functional cash shop" i.e. launched.

Its only on Ouya as a limited time exclusive.

There's quite a few. One of which, and the primary thing, is off-TV playing with the gamepad. The fact I can (and have) taken my Wii U to work, stashed the console under my desk, and played Wind Waker HD or any other game on my pad while waiting for to get a call for assistance? Amazing. It's perhaps the best part

I honestly cannot take anything Nintendo-related on this site seriously anymore. You've become so anti-Wii U that it's impossible to expect anything even remotely unbiased.

Can't wait to get my four year Curling fix.

I'm willing to bet it's such a high price because him being a veteran of the industry, knows how much a game like this can cost, and he'd rather have too much than too little. I mean there have been a lot of instances lately where successfully kickstarted projects have had to go back asking for more because they