
Such a great show

Same exact feeling, except replace English paper with work

Quite the weak showing. There is about two really good deals on games in there (Gears of War Ultimate $20, Helldivers $15), outside of that not much else.

Yes, the whole open on Thanksgiving thing is BS. Unless you are in the type of job that is allowed to drive around during a state of emergency then you shouldn’t be working, its the biggest holiday we as Americans all share and it should be treated as such.

Different times, what applied then does not apply now.

.......its not that simple.

People were stupid to think Nintendo would drop its big IP’s so quickly on smart phone.

I get that people miss this feature but this is where we are with graphic and gameplay demands for a box that is only $350.

Missing a whole lot between that Halo to GoldenEye jump. There was perhaps one of it not the great FPS games around, Half-Life, which spawned games STILL going today like Counter Strike,Team Fortress 2 and more.

The entire concept of the Vita to be a console experience in your hands was flawed(for the west). We, as a demographic, prefer to play on the couch. When you release a new title for consoles and Vita, you know that the Vita version is going to be the lesser version in one way or another. So, we already prefer to play

The fact that more people bought halo doesn’t my devalue my argument in the slightest. My whole “shpeal” is that they didn’t bring anything new to the table that hasn’t already been done except Online for consoles.


I expect a lot of these gifs....

As an Athiest, A would be my answer. But I would be wrong to not point out that there is several other options, especially:

Like every CIV game, it takes a few expansions for everything to fall into place.

Just to add another notch to this list, lets not forget the complete lack of exclusive franchises.

Its PC (as I noted earlier in this discussion, saying how Halo brought features to consoles, not the FPS genre as a whole). But its sequel is available for PS4

I feel you forget what time period this was all in. That “grimy terribad graphic game” is still around with its sequel planetside 2 and it still boasts the largest fights in any game. Halo’s claim to fame was what it brought to consoles, not what it brought to FPS games or the genre as a whole.

Got to know what the 1 DS title was last year

Because every single hand dealt in poker can be bluffed and thus even a terrible hand can still win. Hearthstone RNG /=/ Poker