
Random is fine when restricted and can be dealt with, the example you provided is a good example of random, its a 1/3 thing and as a player can both plan for and against. It’s not a 1/every minion card.

While the balance of restricting effects to what is in front of you is changed, yes—it’s changed to the balance of effects in the overall card selection of the entire game. So I agree that the balance has changed—but it’s still balanced.
If ANYTHING, your statement here actually BENEFITS new players. Because it means

So if random produces a negative feeling for you when it works against you, and random produces a positive feeling when it works for you, then it has a net feeling of 0 within the confines of that effect(assuming the negative and the positive are the same). So if you removed it, nothing would change, unless there is

That in of itself, is a strange concept, to reduce the fun down to the individual card rather then the game as a whole.

The worst part is, its stupid easy to reduce or even remove on their part. What if Webspinner changes from “put a random beast card in your hand” to simply, “Put a Copy of a Beast Card from your Deck into your hand”. That just removed a HELL of a lot of random with little to no effort.

The flaw in thinking starts right here

Bring on the world internet, then we can really get this augmented reality thing a good start.

Going through the olds while waiting for Civ:Beyond Earth Rising Tide,Halo 5,and Fallout 4. There are a fair amount of games I am already somewhat through that I hope to finish:

Did opposing force get skipped? Figure they would go in order.

Out of all things, why a Pokemon Championship ?

I wonder if XCOM 2 will do something similar, seems like a perfect opportunity considering they sorta did it the Advent website.

Dont Worry, I got ya:

Its a neat concept if you use pantry a lot so you can just auto add things to your pantry delivery. They seem just ultra limited right now, having any more then two or three in your home seems crazy. What they really need is for it cover a whole area of the house, so you have one for your bathroom. Press Button and

Getting there first is getting there first. Regardless of how others use it, it does not diminish the actual creation of it.

So exactly what I conceded in my first post? And that those “revolutions” have nothing to do with gameplay which is what the article is focused on and what I mentioned.

Planetside, for those uninitiated

No, not at all, especially in regards to Halo 2. A year before Halo 2 was even out, this game existed that had entire outfits fighting each other

trailblazer like its elders.

I am by no means arguing for the “thinking mans” RTS, in fact I would argue quite the opposite. I want the “in the moment” RTS, DOW2 would be my best example. Just because I speak of a lot of decision making does not mean they need to be these grand decisions of huge armys and logistics, they just need to be tactics

MOBA’s are RTS Games with the focus being on the individual unit, part of their success and interest is because they cut out all the extra and (for lack of a better way to describe this) just focus on the micro aspect of an RTS. Just because Esports when regarding RTS’s focus heavily on Starcraft does not make