
From a concept stand point, the whole idea of even having such things as timings as such a fundamental point of the game seems wrong and outdated. An RTS is about warring armys ,tactics, strategy, deceit etc. Not getting a single unit out a few seconds quicker or working on your build order. An RTS should not be

Be done with it, its really one of the few things that makes starcraft show its age in comparison to other more recent RTS’s. Economy is good and all but the heart of an RTS should be unit choices and strategy , not making sure you keep clicking a button.


To me, it seems odd to Remaster the first game and then having you play old the “newer” entries in the “old” style. It makes more sense to me, to do the God of War 3 Remaster route, provide the early entries and end the trilogy with a bang with the remastered version.

More like Nintendo knows Zelda sells in the west

I think the Twilight Princess scenario is quite likely now.

Global Warming

We need more cold themed games just generally

Can’t speak from experience but the refurbished ones actually say refurbished, the rest I don’t know

Can’t speak from experience but the refurbished ones actually say refurbished, the rest I don’t know

Perhaps, I hope not though, would seem like an awful lot put on JUST wyvern fire.

based off of his tweets, he thinks it might make your shells higher level, but its speculation.

It has a three colored bar that does not move at all that has never been there before.... Its very obvious the number represents shells but does not explain the bar.

Realllllllly want to know what that meter for gunlance is.

Just not going to happen as much as I want it to, our hope is that the NX is what we all think it it is and the next Monster Hunter goes to that.

I wish they would stop trying to push it into LA, just let it be Japanese but provide information to give context for the west when referencing things. Then we can get these releases quicker or at all.....

Needs to transform, I agree

In an attempt to not spoil anything I will just say this, the theme of Scarecrow is everyone who helps Batman is a potential victim.

Picture is somewhat deceptive as it shows the newer model that can do 1080p 60 fps.

Picture is somewhat deceptive as it shows the newer model that can do 1080p 60 fps.

This shows exactly why the Vita is a luxury console, most if not all shown is available elsewhere. It’s great if thats why you are purchasing it, but it just completely lacks support from Sony. I wish they would just do SOMETHING with it, either put it down, or embrace it for what it is.

Actually, I would argue that THE reason to own a Vita now. It is just an Indie Powerhouse and thats about it. I always like to describe the Vita as a Luxury console for this very reason.