
Oh I agree, I think if they made it look more like Hunters the reaction would be severely different. If I was Nintendo I would take Prime off the title and change the art style, the idea is sound and expanding the metroid universe is good.

Nintendo doesn’t require that, just look at alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll the Mario Spin-Off games. In fact im quite the opposite of worried, im hopeful. The fact that they would make this and jam Prime into the title and not just plain Metroid shows to me that they wish not only to expand

And thats fine, but that does not negate all the others for everyone else just because you don’t care for them.

Ooops didn’t know that, based that off amazon only showing a PS4 listing.

Other Nintendo franchise do it, but not when there hasn’t been a main game in the series in like 5 years

Ratchet and Clank,Bloodborn,Horizon,The Last Guardian,inFamous,Killzone,The Last of us,Uncharted,Firewatch,Untildawn, and The Order 1886 to name a few coming out/already out.

Expand it? Every other big franchise Nintendo has does this. IF you want more Metroid then you have to build the interest in the franchise, what better way to do so then through spin-offs to get people in the door on some level?

they did not

Whats the best one that I could play Civ on? That is the real question.

As someone who doesn’t play, I am with you. I see literally no difference except in perception, functionally it is the same.

I fully expect the selling of MT.Dew and Doritos now

Its like Diablo, or perhaps more like the original guild wars.

DON’T ANY OF YOU PRE-ORDER THIS! Wait until it comes out, we can’t let Unity be an ok thing.

But not having all that reduces incentive to back in the first place. Its a balancing act

At this point I am waiting Microsoft to announce their new Xbox One model before I snag one, Xbox One is a little light on exclusives in comparison to PS4 at the moment but 2016 looks to bring a fair number for both.

At this point I am waiting Microsoft to announce their new Xbox One model before I snag one, Xbox One is a little

FF 15 demo has definitely reinvigorated my interest into the series, I look forward to this one. My only complaint was a few control issues when it came to warping and attacking, otherwise its great.

CAN WE PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE stop calling Xeno Blade 3D remake, it is a port.

Whats the best Bundle floating around for PS4’s?

Whats the best Bundle floating around for PS4’s?

Anyone buy from ShopRite before? Never even heard of them.

Anyone buy from ShopRite before? Never even heard of them.