
PA is notorious with these towns, main roads leading right into a 45 zone which is insane.

Really? In comparison to Halo 1 or 3 it had a lot more depth and character development. Halo 3 has some of the littlest dialog I could remember in a game simply because you are without Cortana (your human side ironically) a majority of the game and felt a lot more like Halo 1 in terms of story and even gameplay which

Having not playing Halo 3,OTSD,Reach, and Halo 4 not until this past year. Halo 4 (for me at least) refreshed the franchise.

You know thats not exactly possible immediately with release, there is a reason its called Simulcasting, your getting what Japan is getting. They did however end up releasing uncensored versions later.

Terra For Mars was filled with it also during the start, it was only human gore that was censored.

At the time and I assume still its just Vita for the foreseeable future. It is literally the Vita flagship title at this point, wouldn't make sense to so quickly remake it for ps4.

They are already working on Gravity Rush 2

I though Jim Sterling's videos did not have ads

Anyone else eyes went to the fillings first?

Still confused why Type 0 is not coming to Vita considering it was originally a PSP game....

I thought the Layton series was over?

I find it strange that you liked AC 1 > 2

It mostly boils down to how things are said. The best example I can muster up is go watch an Anime called Tengan Toppa Gurren Lagann , you dont have to watch the whole thing but one of the main characters gives a quite epic speech in the early episodes, and in japanese sounds great and carries a lot of emotion, in

You have to keep in mind who these type of games appeal to and who their market is over here. Its hard not to imagine that a large population who will end up purchasing this game are also fans of anime or other JRPG's, these are the same people who prefer the original language and subtitles with their products because

The Real question, does it work on PC?

This just seems dumb......

Monster Hunter and Oddworld New N Tasty with a dash of Majora's Mask 3D and a side of original Dawn of War

The idea of less work will still happen.... just much farther out. Taking the concept of robots doing the work to the extreme you eventually end up having a society and system that isn't based around working.

Charge Axe, I love this thing so much, its the best of both worlds.