
I am amazed Major is so low.

Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Curtain Call ($20) | Best Buy

I would think more Vita for that, it has an absurd amount of JRPG's in comparison to other games.

First thing that popped into my head. So for another take on this:

While I would love a Legacy of Kain reboot because I love the series, I don't know how I would feel about this direction they were going,so I am kinda at odds here with myself. I would love to see the series continued, the end of defiance surely left room for it, but this... Im not sure I would enjoy.

Wednesday, February 25


Yes, Nintendo needs competition, competition is healthy. They just need to learn from there success and failures as well as from Nintendo.

Right, I know he wasnt exactly the biggest addition. But considering what he was, it was enough to paint a bad picture which really is one of DLC's biggest issue is its image.

I thought the whole issue with Javik was that it was both Day 1 and viewed as an essential part of the game (considering a large portion was about Protheans, having a Prothean seems important to the main game). No so much it was "on disc".

You get a 5 if you think of a #/5 scale as a line graph.

Grading functions differently in that the "average" that a C represents is not the average of scores, but rather the average amount of intelligence retained. Which brings a point I was planning to make, the "scores" games received are not numbers, the numbers simply represent the actual rating. For example:

It only affects all games equally if you assume all review sites review all games which we know isnt the case. You have websites dedicated to different platforms or websites that review infrequently, so how it effects varies. On top of that you can have scores dragged up or down depending on how many of those

Because investing is based off of confidence. When your investing your care is not about the now, its about the future.

Because Metacritic adds another layer of fault in its effort to consolidate "the" review score (as if such a thing exists) it has to trip over itself to do so. Scores need to be converted to fit their system, and its not a 1:1 conversion. Does a 3/5 really equate to a 5 or 6 out of ten? I would argue not. I would say

If I was talking to Investors I would spout Metacritic like its gospel, why? Because thats the type of things these people want to hear, these are not people who are entirely aware of the industry or even care. These are the people who want to turn a profit, and what a better way to inspire confidence (and investing)

I almost want to say that is the side effect of having an artistic mindset. People who I know that I would consider Artistic all suffer from this inability to finish a project they are working on, there is always more to do, something to change, something to improve etc. It is an ever constant struggle for when

I see no reason why not, we live in the age of day 1 patches. How many dev's have we had explain in 2014 the reason for the bugs was a last minute patch that made everything go fubar?

what was that, two weeks? I feel like this is Day one DLC that we delayed to just not be day one.

Create the outrage, create the problems, show how easy it is and maybe someone will wake up and work on improving security.