
Unless you own a 3DS or are a PC gamer I would say you are correct.

*crosses fingers for an early delivery *

I am going to have 0 life come the 13th

Yeah, it bothers you for a day and your past it. What would continue to bother me till the end of time is playing Monster Hunter on such a tiny screen.

Got all the face plates I need with my Pre-ordered MH4U special edition

From Polygon -""To get the full support of DX12 will users need to get a new graphics card?"

Just taking a glance at the 290x they all says 11.2 , which going off of microsofts recent announcement meaning they only support certain aspects of direct x12 as some thing needs to be on the hardware level.

I did that last year and got an FX 8350, but AMD is kinda ???? when it comes to future performance cpu's so next jump will most likely be Intel.

Yeah, although their not terrible. If you getting close to upgrade time might as well hold out for DX 12 cards.

Looks more like Advance Wars from the picture above, I obviously could be wrong though.

Well believe it or not there actually is a Chess 2

What you dont realize is that these are all videos of the PC version suffering from extreme lag.

I would just like to play Unity at some point but apparently Ubisoft is done fixing it for PC.

Im fine without raids and was completely ok with having a small size challenging raid like dungeon, I just wanted SOMETHING more then fractals.

Well the video said challenging group content so..... who knows, I am with you though, that would get me back in quickly, hopefully something is announced.

Story of my life with AC Unity

Well it wasn't made by Ubisoft

You don't look forward on an HD of an old game. You look forward on a remake (see New N' Tasty), but not on just a touch up of an older game. Some things from older games simply can't be updated without updating the whole game for them to be done properly.

Tank Controls served as a way back in the day to restricted the characters ability to move and deal with situations. Now a days we have better mechanics that still have the character move slowly (see dead space), but this whole turn on a dime thing takes away from the game because the enemies are not designed for the

Small is a relative term lets not forget. Do we have numbers to even compare either "movements"? Let us also not also forget that in the case of Xenoblade there was the ability to pre-order on amazon to show support outside of just saying "I WANT THE GAME".