
Its not though. The KKK is an organization, it has leadership, it has rules, and it has beliefs. You should note the the way you phrased it also, in that you used "joined".

I thank you for proving my point, the fact that we are even debating it right now shows how no one knows what it is. This is not a case of Point A is valid and Point B is Invalid but rather both Point A and B are valid.

I agree, also what comes to mind was Occupy Wallstreet. Not in the sense of toxicity, but rather a leaderless movement not accomplishing its goals.

Lets not lump everyone together, that is literally the exact issue #Gamergate has had. There are people who just want #Gamergate as a call to integrity in gaming journalism, as well as others who want it to be far more full of toxicity. We need to recognize and separate that just as #Gamergate needs to otherwise we

This is what happens when you have a leaderless movement, it is allowed to warp into a different beast because anyone can attach to it. Take that and add it with the internet and its almost guaranteed to warp into something terrible. As I have stated multiple times (On twitter & my podcast) #Gamergate doesn't even

Sorry, I just can't accept that with 0 puzzles involved.

Its a spiritual successor to RE 4, not so much on the originals.

Could we get the numbers on the daily average Kotaku articles there have been on destiny since release?

I loved the first game, and this one has been pre-ordered for awhile. I look forward to it.

Watch them boot up Smash Bros, also the system doesn't need to reboot on the NEw 3DS

I called this a few weeks ago when #Gamergate was just working its way around on my Podcast (found here- http://pauseyourgame.com/2014/09/episod…) . #Gamergate has become such a large mass of issues that not a single person knows what exactly what it is, who it applies to, and who is ever apart of it. You have

Could we edit the title to denote both versions?

I doubt we will get all the anime/manga crossovers but I can still hope for them to also arrive.

Just remember Below is a Timed Exclusive, there will be a PC release.

Both, this is much how stocks work but you could easily set up multiple styles of how you wish for people to invest to invest. Some people own a little, some own a lot. The benefit of having a platform to provide easy investing allows earlier projects to get funding with those putting forth the money additional

why does it have to exist instead of? why not both?

It will continue to go in this fashion if you ask me unless kickstarter decides to take a different path or readjust themselves. Kickstarter is a great idea, the problem is it has allowed that idea to stagnate when in reality what they need to be doing is to start branching off into different areas.

The reason I mention controls being part of why it took them down that path is that if you make the controls to good in a survival horror then you actually take away from the genre. There is a sweet spot (which would be RE 4) and then they kept going.

Thats exactly the thinking that lead to the disaster of the Resident Evil Franchise. It sounds more like you dislike survival horrors rather then the horror genre itself.