
My hope for survival horror games lies with The Evil Within now, Capcom may be getting back to its roots but it still has awhile and I doubt Deadspace will be returning any time soon.

You missed the entirety of my point. I never said you can't have puzzles, I said puzzles are limited within an episode. Think back to other resident evil games, how long was that hand crank relevant? Forever.

Why are you searching different lists to help your argument?

Your in a discussion talking about exlusives so this is what we are comparing. I am not going to start discussing the entire library of a system if thats not what we are talking about, however if your going to change the discussion to fit your argument then fine.

....it is actually very true. PS4 has Infamous and Killzone , Xbox One has Killer Instinct.

Doesnt it kinda defeat the purpose to slow it down because you will literally never play the game like that?

Wow that really reminds me of Senketsu from Kill la Kill

Its about to be full fall frenzy once Hyrule Warriors comes out, these next few months will put many of us gamers through trials and tribulations for both our time and our wallets.

FFS it took this long for #1 and #2? I never owned an Iphone but god damn thats absurd thats just now becoming a feature.

Very little, part of what adds to the scare in RE games is restriction in solving problems. Old games did this through ammo/inventory management/restrictive movement. The problem now is all those items have been brought up to modern standards but the enemies are still the same old they have been function wise. If you

To think if Capcom was a "Mid-West" company, it would most likely be an actual shooting range over here.

Even worse in my case in that I don't use headsets. I use the same mic I use to record my podcasts with as my mic and its all the way on the table....

A push to talk button on the controller.

True, but consider Revelations was a portable game first. In a portable setting that's actually preferred .

For awhile, I mean think back to the original game. There were doors you encountered super early that could not be accessed until you were a fair way through the game or items you held on to that would be used much later on.

Your missing the point, the issue with it being episodic isnt I dont like purchasing games like that. It's that there is no point for it being episodic since it's not on a portable platform(which has shorter gaming sessions). When you have something episodic that means that things need to be tied up into neat little

Its looking good but I am not holding my Breath. I am really not sure why you would make this game episodic considering its no longer portable and I hope that episodic break doesnt effect the puzzles negatively(cutting them short).

I wouldn't say Zelda Fans specifically but rather Nintendo fans to get into a new genera. Zelda just happens to fit this MO. Take a look at all the off shoot Mario games, do you think they are truly directed at Mario fans? or is it a much broader scope to Nintendo fans and Mario is simply carrier to deliver the

All dead by dysentery by the end of it