
I agree, the second screen would be your inventory/loot or you can abandon the second screen and use a Wii Mote/Nunchuck to aim(which is an extremely overlooked play style for FPS games).

I hardly think releasing it to PC would of helped if the issue is review scores. In fact PC would of been ever harsher because I am almost positive they would of had no configuration options (bungie has a terrible PC track record) and that would surely drag it down even further.

Keep taunting me with this, I hope we get one for NA

I played revelations, it was only a partial return. I never found myself wondering what goes where or how do I get around certain things, it was quite straight forward.

I just desperately hope that there is more puzzles. Revelations we saw somewhat of a return but we need to keep going in that direction!

Hoping for more traditional RE, more puzzles damnit! I am however ultra confused why no 3DS version or......any other version for that matter.

Right, you have now lost out on all those potential sales because why not wait for the better model.

Just want my Monster Hunter 4 New 3DsXL, thats all I need.


Every single person watching porn on their 3DS is hoping that its in 3D and then realizing its not.

Just tossing my hat in for Aldnoah Zero, that show has some of the best music in an anime ever.

Wow ,thats amazing to actually hear them say that considering the stance for most has condemned all tobacco as equally harmful even though there are studies showing different types of uses are less harmful.

It's not when sales drop low, its when parts become cheaper or to fix existing problems.

Why did they skip Apollo Justice? Its kinda a decent part of the story for Dual Destinies.

And android still shunned , thanks Capcom.

From my personal experience just take the plunge if your at 6. The way it worked for me is that I did 18mg for a month and a half to get used to it as the first two weeks was alternating between real cigs and the ecig. After that I droped to 12 and stayed on that for a month. I went to 6mg and couldnt really even out

Here is what I do know, just by having the ability to control the nicotine helped me quit. So if all other things are equal, then they are healthier simply by providing choice.

These need to become actual monsters in Monster Hunter right this damn second!

Did they word the end of this showing weirdly? Im paraphrasing here but it was something along the lines of saying "consoles first" when they showed all 5 games. PC perhaps then?

Is it only Xbox One? That sucks if it is.