
Dont know why it wasnt included but from other news sites it says its a Wii U exclusive.

there is a fair amount of weapon attack additions. Only one who got nothing was Hammer , and may be more weapon changes in 4U

while true they did just bring existing weapons in with ultimate , there is still one weapon from frontier that is not in yet being tonfas.

XL with circle pad pro is quite comfortable , without it though it can be annoying for MH . Really wish they had a more rounded design to hold it.

look at 0:46 , quite sure that's diablos due to the double horns and tail.

Wasnt Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze just $30 a few days ago on amazon? Could of sworn I saw that.

They added the Charge Axe and Insect Staff, but those where added in 4. Much like from Tri to 3 Ultimate we saw more weapons added within the same generation(bow,dual swords)

Good to see Diablos back and a few more bugs and leviathans (i hope they add a lot more bugs as they are much more varied then Wyverns) . Im still holding out for some sort of new weapon addition but who knows, this just needs to come to the west faster then 2015!

That game is a drug induced trip for your ears and it's amazing.

But changing the stakes changes how you not only react but also interpret things. Using the Pilot analogy, if you are just sitting behind a screen controlling a jet your more detached to the actual situation, not only that there is less at stake which means accomplishing something is less enjoyable comparatively

Maybe its because I play hardcore mode mainly that I have a different view on things.

Diablo when you reach the end has always been boring, the fun part is getting there.

Oh its a smile, just one full of murderous intent!

Nothing Jumping out this Season, looking like Summer will be big though.

Why? A Remake means everything from the ground up is different, the only thing that carries over is the concept itself. Im sure New N' Tasty will run something similar or more.

Those are all rated E-10 and hes 5.

Thats 1

What 4 games can he play for free on Xbox that also dont conflict with the parental controls he has now secured ?! Kids these days, not thinking ahead.

Really doesnt cost that much to outperform a modern console and regardless what a console does a PC can do more just by being a PC. But if you are to only look at the gaming end of things(which you shouldnt), then you should consider the cost of games also as a factor with deep and quick sales. The point is on the