
To say that Trump is backstabbing Apple implies that he actually understands how trades and tariffs work. From what he has been saying I haven’t gotten that impression.

This needs to be bolstered in flashing neon. The "stoke the fire" talking points are a favorite of trolls and antagonistic foreign agents. We need to be smarter than that. 

I detest rubio. He’s a complacent, ass kissing, worthless sack of dog shit.

It would require them scoping out doorbells specifically enabled with video cameras. Any middle school kid can ring doorbells and they don’t need to dress up to do it. This, sadly, seems more troubling to me...

Remember the good old days when “unfollow” wasn’t even a word?

Generally you don’t see a doctor unless you’re having a problem. She did see a doctor when she started having issues after she had had the lens in her eyelid asymptomatically for 28 years. Did you not read the post?

Those who are complaining are usually the ones sitting on their lazy asses doing nothing to help the situation.

What’s with giving Musk crap every time he tries to do something to help? Yeah, sometimes his contributions are minimal, but at least the man is actively trying to do something! There’s always complains that during tragedies, those with power to make a difference only offer their useless “thoughts and prayers,” Yet

The real problem is 4 year old Guatemalan kids.

We’ve had zero gun deaths in 2018!  By that I mean, no guns have died

So this is one of those times where we talk about the mentally unstable not having guns but then continue to let the mentally unstable have guns.

I’m guessing you skipped right to the comments section? They address two of those.

Weren’t those non-licensed 3rd party cables causing fires or something? Seems like a reasonable thing to kill. And you can get properly licensed ones for cheap, so I’m not sure why this would be a deal breaker for anyone.

If only we millions could lose Betsy DeVos...

Really - reading the list of major investors provides great schadenfreude.

you can check out any time but you can never leave 🎶🎶

Does it really matter? The entire government is disintegrating thanks to 45 and his favorite bed-partner Putin. And with the free press dead, and the organizations that are left being drained until they’re no better than dead, soon there won’t be anything left worth salvaging.