
If the app wants its focus to be more on dating that makes sense to a degree but it’s a bit complicated. The main issue is that many gay guys are not out to their family and friends, but they still would like to meet with other gay men so they are not comfortable showing their face on such a popular hookup app. This

LMFAO, so this man puts a bid on Twitter under the condition that Twitter needs to prove that bots aint a big deal? Hahahaha, what a joke. Was this all pure theatrics after all?

You might not even know. Im pretty sure i had it. Because i was with 2 others who tested positive and we even shared a vape. So there’s no way i didnt catch it yet I had no symptoms while my friends were a bit sick for a couple of days. I have other friends who didnt test themselves but their kids and their spouse all

Except it won’t result in that, because we’re decades away from fully autonomous vehicles. There needs to be massive infrastructure support and a universal, country-wide system independent from manufacturers. My car needs to be able to communicate with vehicles around it, and that requires a universal system that can

Mine is not gone but seems altered, certain smells dont smell the same way they used to. 

Mine is not gone but seems altered, certain smells dont smell the same way they used to. 

This looks a hell of a let more like a Samsung product. Apple would not do such a colour palette. They don’t even have a white version come on.

If your business model is all about reselling product, then it is on you to demonstrate the value of buying said through you as a re-seller company. This can be through: competitive pricing or convenience or added perks or mods (ie. adding your fitness logo to a t-shirt). However, buying all the stock available of a

True, and my take away is the same as yours although the precursors to our reasoning differ. Anything that Musk is boosting over twitter should be seen at best as a quick buy and sell before the dip hits. I do have some moral issues with Musk and that’s why a part of me just doesn’t trust him at all, the dude is all

Well that would explain Musk’s recent obsession boosting cryptocurrencies like XRP and Dogecoin on twitter. If this deal took place in January then the timeline appears to indicate that was he trying to lower the price of bitcoin by driving investors temporarily elsewhere. Now we can all see where the money really

They blocked buying GME while keeping the option to sell and who are you going to sell your shares to if nobody can buy them? Let that sink in. This move floods the market with sales offers forcing the price down which is 100% market manipulation. Why didn’t they provide the answer above on this article you ask? Becau

WW started really well, I was entertained and a little hooked with the Amazon Olympics or whatever that was but man the rest of it was just a mix of boring and weird. Take in I rented it for 48 hours, we tried to finish it twice and we just gave up and watched something else instead. It was just terrible, what a waste

Love the stucco

Just think about how many times Trump has broken the law this term with no consequences whatsoever legally nor politically then see if you still have any faith left in the justice system.

They didn’t just violated their TOS they advertised it under headlines such as

Exactly. Yet somehow Apple is the bad guy for banning Fortnite when Epic purposefully submitted an update to the game fully intending to violate App Store policy leaving Apple no choice but to ban it. I mean seriously? Epic sent a huge F U to their entire iOS user base, and they expect them to believe that they did

Lol that ain’t gonna fly. Epic has no case, they violated Apple Store policy on purpose fully knowing they would be banned. I don’t even know how successful they’ll be convincing a judge that this was a move benefit their users who would pay a cheaper membership. I mean Epic treated their own users as a sacrifice for

How’s that a threat? That’s like a victim threatening her serial killer captor to kill her. That’s not how threats work Facebook. Bye

I dont think Apple thought they could get away with banning all games running on Unreal Engine. But when it comes to Apple, one thing is clear: if they threaten a well known technology, the industry will not fight it, instead they will adapt to it. Apple is after all the company that made Flash disappear from the

After reading that email I don’t know how anyone walks away thinking that Epic had any intention of negotiating with Apple. That email was just a record to show that they “tried”, fully knowing that Apple would not agree to demands that would only work to the benefit of Epic and to the detriment of Apple. Then when