
This is an obvious realization, but fuck, we could have remade the Supreme Court. Obama got two nominees, Clinton could have had two in the first two years of her presidency (hell, possibly three if RBG found that she liked her replacement). If we could have gotten a full 16 years of Democratic presidents, we could

Bingo. That part is kiiiinda NOT a nothingburger, y’all. It’s not surprising that he knows nothing about military operations, but it’s nasty hearing them laugh after we had people killed. This oughtta be his Benghazi imho.

Don’t look at your phone while crossing the street, they get no money from you.

Thank you Fusion for posting something comic-book / geeky related. Since I’ve been banned at Giz for reasons unknown, the world has been sorely missing my hot nerd takes.

Hello! As a former Hill person, two things:

This actually helps. Thank you.

Well, in that case, get better at this, America. Jesus.

To CNN for hiring those fucktit douchebag racist fuckfaces to defend Trump:

To the 55M who thought Trump was a good idea...

Support thread for anyone who is FUCK YOU EVERYONE fuck you FUCK you fuckity fuckity fucckkkkkkkk shit ass tits shit ass dick fuck FUCK...right now.

Now is a good time for us on the West Coast to secede. I think we’re done with all that “United States” bullshit. Because tonight absolutely proved it’s bullshit. Unequivocally.

“Planet shocked and dismayed to find out that country that elected Bush President is not dead, actually still capable of voting poorly.”

You ask me, supporting a racist rapist who has zero policies and only stokes bigotry and hatred makes someone a pretty terrible person. But, then again, I’m a queer woman whose friends are largely women, queer folks, and POCs. You know, the people Trump and his followers hate and plan to punish for existing.

No one is safe from him. If he wins, he becomes commander-in-chief of our military forces. And I don’t trust him and his ENORMOUS ego to keep his TINY hands off that nuke button. I’m terrified right now. And it’s strange to be so scared while so many people I know are cheering and excited.

No, fuck you for pushing that “both cadidates are bad” nonsense. That’s why we’re in this situation.

NO. Sorry, but no. This is not Hillary Clintons fault. This is the fault of the people who voted for Donald Trump in spite of every monstrous thing he’s said and done for the past 50 years, and of anyone who didn’t take it seriously or thought it couldn’t happen. This is the fault of anyone who doesn’t know shit about

The problem is not so much that Donald Trump would be an awful President and set the country back - he would. But it would be really hard for any one man to truly destroy the country no matter how hard he tries. Especially when a substantial part of his own party despises him.

I was so not prepared for this. Not even remotely ready. You know where my head was at four hours ago? I was on cloud nine about going on alt-right Twitter and witnessing the meltdown with their conspiracy theories and blaming the Jews. Now this is real. I can’t stomach this shit.

As I type this, a man who called Mexicans rapists, mocked a reporter’s physical disability, bragged about committing

A presidential candidate just suggested that the American public should watch a sex tape.