
It’s not exactly pulling over to buy a coffee at a rest stop.

But credit score doesn’t keep you off the train.

I rarely comment here, but you are correct. It should be publicized, gross as it is. I’m a medical examiner in a state where rifles are easily available. The ammunition most commonly used is closer in size to a 9mm, but the damage is much greater. After all, kinetic energy is 1/2mv^2. People tend to focus on the size

Google Translate has supported that feature for a long time.

As expected, camera upgrades only since they recycled the s7’s into the s8 and were overdue.

But perhaps the slickest new Bixby feature is its on-the-fly translation skills. Instead of entering characters into an app or taking a pic of a sign, all you have to do its point the S9's camera at some foreign words and it will technomagically replace the stuff you don’t understand with a language you do.

So I’m guessing you are the kind of person who walks by a door with a sign that says “Free Guitar Lessons Inside” and then opens the door and screams “I DON’T WANT GUITAR LESSONS!” It’s called moving on. Look into it.

If you read an article twice where it’s clearly spelled out and still didn’t get it I’m not sure what anyone else can do for you. Are you asking someone to make you some kind of flow chart?

The most recent one I see is you claiming that you can read.

Nixon wasn’t taken down in a day, either.

We’ve got a charlatan for a president who ignores the Constitution, the courts, an has a general disdain for the rule of law, so it is worth taking the extra time to make sure that the charges really stick.

you are missing #3...

No response? As opposed to occasional twitter trash talking? Whatever Obama didn’t do, Trump has also done fuck-all.

Can Americans get their fucking heads out of their fucking asses and realize that their compensation for their tiny little pickle dicks aren’t worth hundreds of teenagers’ lives??

Another thing we know: Nothing will change and the GOP will offer up another serving of #thoughtsandprayers.

What is it with California and “this product is known to California to cause cancer”? Seems like anything I buy or research, always has a warning label about CA and cancer. I’m genuinely interested. Is it because every single person in CA is a pretentious asshole?

Just so we’re clear...you don’t want YouTube controlling what you can and can’t see, but you want there to be a law defining what Fire Departments can and can’t say?

They were tied up from someone who could have been in genuine harm that wasn’t of their own doing.

doesn’t matter how stupid the victim is.

“A YouTube spokesperson said the video was demonetized”. How about they take that shit down and stop promoting dumbasses like these