
Two minutes is pretty optimistic for this administration.

This is really weird, also, i see no point for Cuba to do this, i could believe this is a ruse from some group in USA or maybe Russia but i can’t see a reason why Cuba would do this.

Blame lies with the motherfucking Nazis, end of story.

Defending Nazis eh?

We know what Canada does to its Indian so you can fuck off eh?

The fact the “alt-left” and the “alt-right” can’t even TALK to each other in a civilized fashion speaks more about the state of the US than some asshole running down a group of people.

Wasn’t a nuclear war with North Korea in the offing just a week ago? Pause for a second and try to remember what the big Trump indignation was in March or April. I’m baffled with the speed we careen from one shitshow to the next.

We have a beautiful, lyrical saying here in Ireland that has been passed down the generations and is, I feel, very apposite here:

As of this exact moment we don’t know who it was, but the white supremacist contingent came equipped with improvised weaponry and shields, and was beating protesters en masse. I don’t know how you can possibly do a “both sides” here.

I fully expect, barring some kind of back-channel dealings by Kushner balancing the scales with Putin, the piss tape to be released in the next 3 months. Once Putin finally accepts that Trump isn’t going to help, he’ll destroy him.

Somehow, such an unpredictable and volatile President with a tendency to piss on anybody who crosses his path has never said anything negative or come even close to condemning anything related to Russsia or Putin

Thank you Fusion for posting something comic-book / geeky related. Since I’ve been banned at Giz for reasons unknown, the world has been sorely missing my hot nerd takes.

What they are doing isn’t illegal. They are not poachers. They get permits from the government to hunt specially selected individuals from a species. The government uses the auctioning off those permits to fund conservation efforts. It’s why this issue is so complicated, A LOT of the funds used to protect these

That totally worked out while reading in my head. You deserve a medal and a star.

I’m not so much a hardass that I can’t clearly see this man was making a joke, but if he really felt “on the spot” about a question that he’s literally not supposed to answer, he could have maybe suggested a movie he had absolutely no hands in, you know? Then there would have been no question that he was making a

1. Put camera in microwave.

Don’t look like he gotta helluva lot to steal....

So, he’s too obsessive, but you’re calling him out for not using a genuine ocarina. Hmm..

Fuck off.

Gotta love the one time you might actually support a Republican on an issue (the overarching powers of the NSA and its snooping), you can’t because of the wealth of skeletons Trump has in his closet that need to be exposed.