
Yeah, no. Fake News is, or at least should be, a non-partisan issue. It is deemed fake when it is just flat out untrue. Hillary Clinton did not run a child sex ring out of the basement of a pizza parlor that didn’t even have a basement. That is fake news. The fact checking websites look for statements that are

You’re saying that you haven’t been fully restarted in many years?

The story is exactly what you read. If you’d rather argue domain name vs website then 10 years ago that semantic argument might have been valid.

Exactly. He can have all the opinions he wants, he just can’t say them publicly if it violates federal ethics rules, which are pretty clearly laid out for everyone.

I’m riffing back to my Managing Within The Law I class. 2 days of Silicon Valley lawyers telling us management types that we were going to 1) screw our companies or 2) screw ourselves or 3) go to jail if we didn’t get a handle on our thought patterns. (It was a *really* good class. I hated it.) Though it did have

Which is why it’s still up. Oh, he deleted it?

Bans citizens from 7 predominantly Muslim countries from entering. Christians are excepted.

Because we buy a ton of tech from China, dumbass. A trade war with China means our tech prices skyrocket.

Not so much a threat, but a simple fact. Trade binds nations. If not for trade then relations rely solely on diplomacy. Which with US presidents like Trump would be disastrous.

If the new president doesn’t want a nightmare situation in which consumer electronics and other imported goods sky rocket in price, he’s going to have to move beyond sound bites and photo ops to dig into the endlessly complicated world of policy.

The answer is clearly that Google needs to buy an island and move all their servers there under sole Google sovereignty. That way when the US government orders them to transfer data back onto a US under that their jurisdiction, Google can reply with “what US servers?”.

No one is giving up this method of travel.

Anyone still trying to pretend this isn’t a ban on muslims can kiss may ass.

Though I realize that this could very well be a move for publicity sake, I think a good thing done for publicity is still a good thing. So good on you Lyft.

Fuck them all. They worried about profits and cozies up to this monster in private meetings. They helped to legitimize him.

“principled confrontation”

Hello! As a former Hill person, two things:


Thank God someone is fighting the good fight to keep sodas in schools.