
2 words for you: slope

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Id divorce and marry this guy, but then, who wouldn't.

Sorry, I fell asleep

The colour helps

F#ck the inhaler, where can I get that wallet

Like you said, there’s no available due process with Apple and that's precisely what Apple refuses to provide.

Except that when it comes to Google the FBI has no issues getting what they need.

The moment there is key, there is a problem. You can’t always rely on the key holder to only give out access under extreme circumstances. We are still talking about real people with access to our data.

I’m actually planning to move to Cuba with my husband or at least live there for half a year every year. Maybe in another 5 years depending on how things evolve with the U.S.

Im from Cuba, I dont know details about everything going on in Venezuela but I have a couple of friends from there and they all seem to have mixed feelings about Chavez, its not as black and white as you want to paint it.

The crisis in Venezuela is due to the fact that Chavez died, without a strong political figure you can’t pull off a socialist system. Chavez was another hipster just like Fidel, they have good intentions behind what they do but it’s a lot easier on paper than it is in real life, specially when the entire world runs

Hahahahaha, so the soviet’s stopped Cuba from starting a nuclear war? Reality doesn’t change, Cuba has always been defending themselves from the U.S, it has never been the other way around :), never. Now once that’s settle, you can start talking about the real issues with the Castro regime and only then we can have a

Lol the U.S made concessions to Cuba? Are you really this ignorant? The U.S put Cuba in their terrorist list when in fact all terrorist acts between these two nations happened in Cuban soil by Cuban Americans working under the CIA. The U.S violated Cuban airspace multiple times, attempted to invade the country in 1961

I dont like the Cuban regime, nor the American one, that’s why I live in Toronto. I disagree with a lot of things in Cuba, that’s why I took off yet I did not lose the ability to know the difference between bullshit and facts. I can talk shit about Cuba all day, but 90% of the crap that people say here is either

The article was setup for controversy. The tone of the author is already anti-apple to begin with. It all depends on how you want to frame it. The article is making it look like Alphabet/Google is doing better than Apple based on becoming “more valuable”. The reality is that Apple’s Q1 2016 revenue was a record of 76

Apple is so mediocre, how dare they only sell 77 million iPhones in a single quarter, meh! ONLY 7 iPhones a second? I'm telling you man, these slackers.

Is that what the U.S told you? Buddy do your homework. Bay Of Pigs Invasion -> 1961. Cuban Missile Crisis -> 1962. Cuba should have sent a couple of missiles that way, but they didn’t. Keep believing everything you have been fed by the U.S media without googling.

I came from Cuba in January 11th. The internet was full blast and I wasted my 1 hour data watching Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. This level of access is mostly found in populous areas in Havana, not so much in rural areas. When I was in Holguin the internet was pretty much limited to email access only, but there were talks

Luis Posada Carriles is a wanted terrorist. He lives free in the U.S today. It doesn’t take a genius. Sorry bruh. The CIA was known for specifically hiring Cuban criminals. Look into the 5 Cuban spies, why they were captured and how they were hired by the CIA in the first place. This is reality, not a conspiracy. It's