
My accusations are baseless hahahaha. Except that I’m from Cuba, I lived in Cuba for 20 years and I had full access to the Internet at University since 2005 like every other student. Buddy the only ignorant here is you :)

Except that Cuban exciles like Luis Posada Carriles, also magically happened to be CIA agents. If you are going to research into it at least bother to read through it.

Lol, while the internet is proxied, it’s pretty open. It’s expensive, but once you have access, nothing really stops you from browsing whatever website you want. Cuban’s newspapers and television are indeed skimmed for biased information but let’s get real, that’s common in pretty much any country. Cuba ain’t China

Stop talking shit, the Cuban government makes no profit of social programs which are always offered for free or heavily subsidize prices. The internet in Cuba has not been possible because the government knows that with current salaries it would be near impossible for any Cuban to afford the infrastracture to keep it

Cuba does not live in a crushing poverty. It’s a poor country but in average they have much better social stats than every country in the continent, Canada being the only that beats it. Also, I just came from there, I paid for the internet, the login/log-out process did not take longer than 1 minute. However, the only

Uganda’s kill the gays bill

I don’t know how to feel about a gay dude having a private audience with the Pope.

Fuck, you scared me! I thought planking was back.

<—— Scrolls to "Carlos"

Agree! Ugh! So right! WRAAAAAAGH! mmmmmmm! sup! fuk fuk fuk!

I just checked the battery on mine...17%...thanks for the heads up!!!

Thanks for the Halo ad!

You tell ‘em

You nomally wouldnt even sentence an adult unders these kinds of charges, let alone a minor. I wonder what they think this kid will act like 11 years from now after he is out of jail.

You are comparing apples and oranges. When the Russian jet crashed in the Sinai Peninsula, Russia fully dismissed intelligence suggesting that the plane was brought down by bomb. Furthermore when the FBI offered to assist in the investigation, both Russia and Egypt fully ignored it. The only reason why we ended up

I started reading out loud then half way through I realized I can’t read like that and cry at the same time.

I love u bruh

No he is not, Logic breakdown :

Hahaha, petulant little child. Listen, I could be your Dad, a young hot dad you that would make you proud.