
This is a tech news blog, im simply standing for freedom of the press. I just wish Giz would dedicate a space to this, they are all journalists and this was an attack on journalism.

JeSuisCharlie :(

My garbage can in the kitchen was about $190 too, but it's actually useful.

My garbage can in the kitchen was about $190 too, but it's actually useful.

actually it was about a week ago.

All you can do their fingerprint is steal their emails and texts. Any attempt to reset the phone or restore it(for sale or personal use) will demand the user's password. You would have to hold them to knife point and force them to unlock and reset the phone before you take it away. Fingerprint security is the least of

They need:

Just because Sony got hacked does not mean that the same trick could hack into military servers since these are expected so be far more secure. Your entire theory just falls apart from there.

Ok so now that we know who did it, I say hack them back and teach them where computers were created.

That probably says more about Sony than North Korea.

We both know that the only one who really upsets you is your dad.

That might be because your asshole is too tight, ask your gay friends to losen it up for you, maybe then you'll stop being an asshole you dumb fuck.

I thought you were dead right until you called that other commenter a "fucking faggot". I'm gay so thank you for insulting people that have nothing to do with ur your little dramatic attack you fucking dick piece of shit asshole, I hope you lose your erection at age 32 and you have to spend the rest of your life

No it doesn't, Android wear does not natively support customizable watch faces. You are restricted to what they watch comes with, there is no API available for devs. So in that regard iOS is far ahead.

Its an app, its not natively supported. This is not what we are talking about here, fandroids, please back off ;)

That's an app, please give me a break.

awwww, why are you so upset?

Unlike you I can easily multitask, I can have sex with my fiance and troll you at the same time. That's how little effort you take. Also, I build apps(android/ios) for a living so the internet is my playground ;)

The iwatch will be hitting the market in a few months, the SDK is out and most of its features and capabilities are known. There is no android wear watch in the market with customizable watch faces either today, so you either have to wait months before a new watch with the latest software hits the market or you have

You might have your own personal reasons to troll the OP. That still does not explain the 27+ stars from a bunch random users.

"Haha you looked it up" ... like duh. I bet you must think you are a genius after figuring that one out, you little bright you.