
Your username is a quote from a sitcom...wow, what have I just done thinking that your username was pointless and irrelevant, thanks for clearing that up, now I can see the value of quote inspired usernames. Next up "STUPIDSmartTalentedUniquePersonInDemand".

The fact that this comment got starred so many times, says a lot about the majority of commenters reading this article: butt hurt "fandroids" who blame their insecurities on Tim Cook. Keep it up!

When a user name starts with "WTF", you just know that whatever they have to say will be equally stupid.

and I suppose Google has a fully customizable watch on sale running Android?

lol when did iOS became more customizable than Android?

100% of people calling others ugly are pretty insecure. Do you want to talk about it?

Insecure much?

I would call this a "cool watch" and not necessarily a smart one...

I spent one hour with an oculus rift on and after removing it I had about 10 minutes of blurred vision. Like, REALLY FUCKING BLURRY. i couldn't even read a single letter on my screen.

i know right, wtf

Blue is my favourite colour, so pass.

To answer your question, yes there are plenty of names gayer than Charlitos. My name is Carlos however. It is funny that you mention aberrations. Aberrations are precisely the engine behind evolution, which has taken us to where we are today. I do have to admit that some aberrations are better than others. For

The only reason why it is still important is because there are still people suffering today for being who they are. Unfortunately we still need role models to let the LGBT in the world know that they are not alone, and that there is hope to a better future.

This is awesome news. I'm gay myself, I can see how Tim Cook has potential to be such a great role model for the LGBT community. Hopefully this will continue to pave the way to a future where we all have more respect for human dignity on the basis of human rights and equality. Go Timmy!

i love u

Is that how ur daddy talks to u? Im sorry :(

Did anybody mention to MCX that in order for consumers to use their custom mobile payment solution they would have to get their beautiful app approved by the PlayStore and the AppStore?

overcompensating much?

Corporate greed is not when a company brings in a valuable feature to their platform with the hopes of turning a profit. Corporate greed is when you actively decide eliminate all other competitors for the sake of your own solution regardless of how inferior it is. In this case CMX is forcing retailers to disable their

uh? read bellow loser. This has nothing to do with me specifically...dumb ass.