
I already did that about 10 minutes ago, although not that much came out. Want a sample?

Then dont donate, next!

The Samsung gear is big, is bulkier, is ugly, it looks cheap and just because it has a square shape and a strap doesnt mean that a comparison is pointless, it isnt. The motorola watch I loved since it first came out, if it wasnt because it doesnt support iPhone i would have bought it by now however the build quality

That too

From watching countless hands on reviews on all of these products. Also it doesnt take much to know when a design is ugly or not.

So far everyone Ive showed this to wants it right now. The quality of this thing is far superior to that of the gear and motorola smart watch, it looks like something you want to wear. The fact that is customizable makes it even more attractive to people, a few of my friends want 2 to 3 wristbands depending on the

That's expected from a tiny device that's supposed to do so much. I just hope it can last at least 20 hours.

Which part is so hard to believe? I can prove everything I have said, easily. Just ask :)

Thanks for the compliments, I like u

To answer your first question, yes, my dick does grow about 3 inches per monitor, it all depends on wether I want to play porn on a single one or alllll 3 of them.

Thats it?! Apostrophes!? Thank god, I'm actually impressed with myself considering that English is my 3rd language after French and Spanish. Next!

oh i know that.

Come on lets be serious, thats probably the only part you understood.

I wasnt even trying

Said no one ever.

got me ;)

He does look like a GweetPotato tho.

Apple does not need to unveil anything new to prove themselves. They have already done so multiple times disrupting the computer, mp3 player, smartphone and tablet industries. Samsung and the rest in the mean time like to capitalize on already guided technology and then praise themselves about how they are doing

Sure thing, want to come with?

LOL! If by choice you mean having your regular consumer be certified by the Geek Squad by all means go Android. Also there is this thing called jailbreaking, not sure if you heard about it. Oh and btw, I'm a senior software engineer and as im talking to you over my third monitor I have 2 open terminals performing js