
No really , I just like to attend fandroid therapy sessions, so I know how to get them going.

You are right, Im sure they will feel a lot better after knowing that Apple will pretty much take away any practical reason to choose Samsung smartphones over iPhones.

mmmmm so Apple just leaks out a couple of rumors to the NYT, WSJ and has John Ives say a couple of "internal" jokes and BOOM! All news outlet already got over the iCloud vulnerability hoax. You guys...

Because judging from their last keynote all they seem to care about is having Samsung users waving their hands, looking away and rubbing the edge of their newest handset. In the mean time Apple will slap some practical sense into their brains.

Ive been doing "one handed mode" for years...if you know what i mean ;)

Samsung just shit their pants.

I thought uploading photos to iCloud was the easiest thing to disable if you so wish. I also thought that even while having your photos in the cloud, if you have a secure password there was not much at all to worry about. Finally, as far as am concerned, Apple was not the only target but also blackberry and android


Are you going to be posting the same article every year now?

I got a feeling, if Apple announces the smartwatch Tim Cook will show a picture of all these watches from Sony, Samsung and the like and be all like "This is what smartwatches looked like until now...Now let me introduce to you, the iWatch", LOL!

well phones are pretty powerful but I dont know if this will actually work well. I mean the Oculus Rift uses your computer's power...even then its still pretty stuttery so what can we expect from a smartphone?

So an "attack" by guessing passwords, directed to only celebrities and only those using iPhones and just a week before the next iPhone announcement. I feel like the purpose, target, sample and timing of this attack is way too "interesting". Somebody must be trying real hard to make Apple look bad before September

Ugh, and here I was thinking that replacing my blood with antifreeze was a way for me to survive the next 8 months in Canada. :(

Hey Darren, I disagree with you regarding Google Wallet vs Apple potential smartphone payment platform. You are ignoring the fact that almost every single Apple user already has a credit card hooked to their account and many of us are already used to paying with our phones when we make purchases at the Apple Store.

looks like old school Impressionism to me

iOS crashes apps at the slightest sign on inestabilty. This is why iOS gets more app crashes while Android gets more OS crashes. Also iOS still has more users using apps and the web than all of Android combined.

you cant just bring a definition from a macro world and then try to build an analogy at quantum level. The professor made perfect sense here, the interviewer was irritating.

Good morning Gizmodo!

I cant believe Tap Tap died :( There used to be so many people in the online rooms. It all went to shit after they started charging iTunes level pricing for you to be able to tap to the song you already have purchased.

That was an awesome video. By the way anti-global-warming crew. The video explained simple physics and molecular reaction to light. Meaning the proposed idea that carbon monoxide can heat up the planet, has an assertive explanation that makes sense and that can be tested. Wether or not you believe in global warming is