
ya automatic doors < computer camera device integrated with facial recognition software and gesture tracking.

Yup just like the doors at walmart

270GB my limit is 250GB

I used the same phrasing you used and that is what my response was based on. Answering you question, pedophiles are not attracted to adults and are considered to have no sexual orientation so it would be hard to imagine what they will be attracted to if their attraction for children were to be fixed(by the way pretty

It would be like saying that maybe thats what happens with straight people, the fact that instead of getting a parental reaction from looking at a gender of the opposite sex you get a sexual one instead. ...As u can see the comparison makes no sense. Two consenting adults gay, straight or bisexual have no biological

Sony updated their terms of service making it clear that they also are free to do whatever they want with the information they gather. They conveniently added that in right before the release of their console taking advantage of the negative opinion around the XBOX One and privacy issues. At least Microsoft told

I talk positively about the XBOX One without getting paid so really if there is an option to get paid for it its a done deal. That is how advertising works, it is up to you to decide whether or not the product you're promoting is actually worth promoting, and wont damage your reputation. I can't really see how this is

I thought it was 50GB free of icloud space! You liar!

Nest is everything that Google has never been. It feels like an Apple product not a google product. I just hope they dont ruin the upcoming iterations of Nest devices, I hope they learn from Nest instead and take some design clues home.

How does Google pay 1/4 of what they paid for Motorola in order to acquire a company that has only made 2 products during its entire life cycle? I mean if I owned NEST I probably would have sold it for 3 billion on the first chance. I just truly hope NEST does not get ruined by this deal, their quality standards and

Hallstatt ***

or you can just use your "business card size" iPhone

In Canada all i know is banana, coconut water, advil and tylenol. Never heard of french fries as a remedy to cure hangovers.

I've seen those so many times in Cuba and I actually got stung by their toxines as I popped then...it hurts like a bitch

Sar Casm, did you even read through the lines?

who's that

Useless unless there's software running on a smartphone that needs more than 1GB of RAM, thats even hard to find on PCs today and these are productivity units...

it was a joke ;) I had it set up long ago.

I got an oculus rift for Xmas!!!!! Setup instructions please

Happy Holidays Gizmodo!