
ya, i probably would have considered jailbreaking my device if my provider didnt allow me free tethering. In Canada that is not the case. I just dont get how a company gets away with not allowing you to tether the data you already pay for.

Well Im lucky to have power...and internet and cable but im unlucky to have many friends who dont so my house is offering free hotel service atm.

From a Barber Shop. You cant see my computer cuz i took this picture with it!

LOL! I own more Apple products that you can even count with both your hands.

K take your time and let me know when the bitchometer goes down.

No, the apps available are just as good, quick and better so I don't know whats makes you think it is such a hassle.

Hi! u done bitching?

There are messaging apps that allow you to text pics to non iOS devices. Tethering depends on the network so yes that makes sense. In Canada tethering is free so it makes far less sense here.

I think you meant "the reason why you didnt upgrade to iOS7" not the iPhone 5S. No jailbreak in this world is going to give you a hardware upgrade.

oh wow, that was pretty bad, it went from awkward to creepy to weird shit. Like seriously? Samsung is using the same strategy they used to make their Galaxy smartphones popular, poring as much money as possible towards advertising, it will really suck for those who end up spending $300 in this watch.

Finally! We are buddies now :D I honestly dont mind the fact that none of the stuff you said is true . I dont judge, I have all sorts of weird friends ;)

The moment you resource to become a grammar nazi everything else that follows loses credibility. If your point makes sense, the facts themselves are more than sufficient to make you right and me wrong. Unfortunately I stopped reading on your first sentence which kinda sucks since it seems like you put a lot of effort

In Canada $110(after tax) gets you 2GB of data...hey but we can tether! :(

Am I? Can you please cite the source where it clearly states the fact that a jailbroken iOS device is in no ways less unsafe? That all apps installed and all the freedom available by no means take a toll in security or stability? I think you are missing the reason why users jailbreak iOS in the first place. That was a

That makes sense, its really messed up how American telecoms still charge for tethering. That is not the case in Canada(where in from) but still our regular monthly fees are already one of the most expensive in the developed world(no unlimited plans btw). If they were to charge us for tethering as well that'd be a bit

Mhm, Im a mobile dev... so yes Im very glad indeed that somebody gets it.

You dont get to render my "assertions" false just because you say so. There is this thing called Search Engine...use it and come back with a more educated counter argument. I'll stick around.

lol! i like u

I would say that Android users root to get away from the crippled OEM mods.. iOS users jailbreak to cripple a perfectly functional system for the sake sake of a couple of features.

Yes, its called Android