
"But you're going to need to be using Safari 4 or later for the livestream to actually function." why!?

Microsoft is selling a good at nothing tablet/laptop for 1000 dollars, $1250 with accessories...nobody is hating Microsoft, Microsoft just doesn't get it. The reason why the iPad sold millions so easily was because nobody expected the $499 price tag, something that competitors struggled with for the longest time.


The ridiculous goldpagne iPhone is sold out everywhere in North America


This is f#cked up

My macbook pro retina 15. Worse case scenario i can always sell it and buy the rest of the gadgets I didnt get to keep.

Isnt everything that Samsung sells a prototype?

I just did a quick search for "[insert any android smartphone] accelerometer problem" and while I do get countless forum threads where users clearly describe the issue with their Android device(which are far worse in most cases), there does not seem to be a single article interested in this amazing story.

I might consider this code farm in the future.

That looks more like a Casino than a Campus. Not impressed

If anything gay sex will make soldier less depressed and more motivated.

Foxconn is heaven compared to the other options. They just happened to become the press' target because Apple is their main customer but reality is that Foxconn is one of the best factories you can work at in China.

Most PHP frameworks already protect your queries from SQL injections as long you use their DB layer.

so much for resale value.

Well, we have traveled to our nearest neighboring planets, we have space satelites exploring most of our solar system. For god's sake we have wired up this whole planet transforming it into a gigantic communication system and we have robots capable of winning at Jeopardy vs the smartest human subjects. That only

double post. delete

It does. I use outlook.com which sounds more professional than gmail. Although I am still forwarding all my gmail emails to my new outlook account. Outlook just looks and functions so much better, it also allows me to create aliases which is extremely convenient....also my "name-lastname" combo was available!

LMAO Yahoo pulled a Samsung on Google.

Yes they arent the exact same, one has a smartphone the other has a watch...