
Yes you can break apart parts of the commercial and appeal to "it was already done". Flawless logic right there. This has nothing to do with what was done before in parts but as a whole. Samsung did not simply copy a part or "parts" here, they ripped off an entire commercial from top to bottom. It really doesnt take a

I guess the black screen, with the product in the center, with white letters to replace it was also another coincidence.

At this point it feels like they dont really care. Apple has become Samsung's source of R&D and Marketing ideas. They have been ripping off Apple since the first galaxy smartphones and that is how they ended up in the courtroom. It is just too obvious, and they keep doing it simply because they know they can get away

This study should have waited until they had more data. It doesnt really offer much perspective when so many key nations such as Canada are excluded.

I hate ads but I refuse to use adblocker. Simply because its not fair to those trying to make a living off original content. Im subscribed to quite a few people on Youtube that post content i find informative or entertaining. Its funny how subscribers are the first ones to complain and demand from the channels they

Its unbelievable how different and innovative the iPhone was when it was first introduced. Buggy or not that presentation revolutionized the mobile industry, forever.

OMG! These would go perfectly with the new colours in iOS7! <3

Actually you are wrong on this one. Size makes a major difference in performance. If the casing is too small a lot more research has to be devoted to miniaturization of the components along with proper cooling to sustain the workload the processor will be exposed to. In many cases the processor has to be heavily

i havent had any issues. iPhone 5 here

long lief Android. Boo ya2

Shame, Embarrassment and Proper Business Practices. What do they mean?

Next up: Parent Gives His Son His Debit Card And The Pin Code. Blames Bankrupcy On The ATM Machine.

I was looking at that link wondering wtf. If anything this just proves how difficult it is to find a bad product ever made by Apple. Do you really want me to waste my time making an image of all Samsung's bad product cuz omg Im surrounding by 5 of them as I speak.

Samsung rushed this out just to get a chance to say that they did it first than Apple.

lmao, i can even imagine Jesse's voice while saying that

Well im glad that a company that actually sells something useful made it to the top of that list. I mean really? Coke? How stupid are we exactly?

You rather poison yourself than to use consumer electronics? You are a very smart guy...Im just gonna let natural selection handle this one.

As a matter of fact for every Apple fanboy there are about 15 Fandroids on every Apple related article. It never happens the other way around.

Here, a proper list:

Subway!? really? I can only imagine the million arguments that can possible occur while waiting 2 minutes for your sandwhich to come. This list makes no sense whatsoever.