why dont you just take care of it instead?
why dont you just take care of it instead?
u done?
kids who cant afford a data plan
its actually 100% true. The media loves to find any flaw on any Apple product, do you even begin to realize how many issues there exist with non-iPhone devices that are considered "competition" yet if we get a single article mentioning it the problem we are lucky. Apple goes from antenna-gate to heat-gate to…
Today I was looking for a furniture store in downtown Toronto, I typed in the address on Maps and it gave me a location that didnt make any sense. I was confused and I said to myself "I guess this map app really does suck, kind of frustrating". After I was done blaming Maps for the confusion I realized I had the wrong…
lol that sounds like a desperate list to make any gimmick into a "feature". Face-Unlock, Barometer? lol, faster camera? the battery is about the same under regular day to day use as tested by reviewers. Bump to share is cool, but kinda useless, you have LTE speeds you dont need your friends phone to be right next to…
the iPhone is that much more imoprtant
trust me the light argument is pretty strong. There is nothing in the GS3 to justify its size, except for poorly engineered components. The reason why it is bigger is not because they want to give you a bigger screen, they just cant make it any smaller or lighter while packing all the specs they need and conveniently…
Well, but we know that people's choices is far from determining the quality of any display. Most people would go for saturated screens because it gives them the false impression of better image quality when it is the absolute oposite. I'm a graphic designer myself and color saturation can be an issue when im trying to…
The GS3 is made of plastic, the iPhone 5 is made of aluminum and glass. Yes it is a big difference when you get better built quality in return. I know that some sites have said that the iPhone 5 is playing "catch up" and I dont agree with this after seeing all the hardware details and benchmarks. The iPhone 5 is…
omg myspace still exists?!
"5 is a 'meh' upgrade at best"
I believe what you are saying is true, I guess my question would be whether this advantages have the impact they need on color accuracy and image quality? Is there a reason why this study did not find any of these advatanges relevant to this particular test?
if you read what I said, carefully you will find all the staff references you are looking for.
about time, seriously about time...I just hope it is true
I love Apple with a pasion but this article felt so one sided that i just kinda find it hard to believe that there is absolutely nothing the GS3 screen is better at besides it being bigger(well bigger is questionably better).
Apple devices work in conjunction with each other through : iMessage, Photo Stream Sharing, Air play(all my friends own iPhones so they can all play music, videos and pictures from their phones to my stereo), Multiplayer apps(Scrabble being one of my favorites and Battleship as well), Facetime and what not. I do…
lmao, Engadget? Im sorry but you lost all credibility the moment you mentioned Engadget as a non-biased site. Engadget is the official anti-apple troll land, comments such as "Apple die already!!!!" or "Apple I hate you" makes it to the top voted comments on every single Apple related article. Please just please,…
im not liking this move from Apple, I can get that they had to change the adapter but first the price it insanely high compared to what an adapter should cost and second they try to block any third parties from selling cheaper alternatives? If this the business route Apple will be pursuing, there is a chance they will…
Samsung Galaxy S3 which is the latest one from the Galaxy series is not thinner or faster than the iPhone 5, the 4S yes, but the 4S has been in the market for a bit over a year so it is not a fair comparison. Maybe we are getting confused on what we are comparing here. GS3 vs iPhone 5, perfectly fair comparison. You…