
The same size phone that outperforms smartphones that are near twice the size, yes that is pretty impressive. The iPhone 5 today, is more durable and more resistant to drops than Samsung's top of the line smartphones, it also outperforms every single Android device in the market today. All of that packed in such small

funny indeed

It beats the Nexus from left to right in raw power alone, you can only imagine how much faster it is under regular use conditions like running 3D graphics, taking pictures, videos, web surfing and app performance.

I have seen the S3 wide open considering that a single drop can cause the back panel to fly off. Unfortunately Samsung does not spend that much time making their innards beautiful and perfectly put together, that is why Galaxy S series gets bigger and bigger with every release, poor engineering and rushed half baked

I dont know, maybe swedish telecom do run on 4G and you just didnt know.

honestly web mobile youtube is by far better I dont even bother with the youtube app anymore i cant even check my messages or subscriber count or anything just watch videos and comment

there is this thing called "context"...look it up

uh? Last time I checked this iPhone is a lot faster than every single Android handset in the market.

He was referring to other smartphone manufactures that mass produce for the public, not to watch makers or jewellery designers.

Here in Toronto I get all my public transit directions through the TTC app designed by the city of Toronto itself. It does not only tell me directions but since every bus and street car have a GPS I can actually track the exact location of every single vehicle running on any of my favorite routes. I dont even use

the 4S was much faster than the 4 and the camera went up to 8MP what are you talking about.

uhhhhh why is the US mostly torrenting a Canadian artist and Canada mostly torrenting an American artist...I'm so confused right now. Also since when did Brazil and India start listening to the same music? Ugh im getting a massive head ache I'm off to bed.

Im sorry but Android did not revolutionize the phone market, the iPhone did. That was the big turn around. OEMs were left upside down with no answer to the iPhone and fortunately Google was able to come up with an alternative and save these companies from inevitable bankruptcy. Is it unique in a way? Yes it is, so is

I agree, it is just overwhelming sometimes, its like they cant just focus their efforts on anything. The good things they come up with "wave" and "lively" dont leave the project lab. I wish they were able to focus more on the great ideas they can come up with and less on duplicating functionality.

The end made me rofl so hard. I love Apple but this video is just hilarious.

guys get paid more

Google really cant seem to do anything else than copying what there already exists. Google +, Gmail, Maps, Android, Google Docs, and even Google itself.

Im a tech person and so are many of my colleges(software engineers) and because we understand how crapy and windowish Android is most of us own iPhones.

Again, that ad is just insulting to any Android fanatic's intelligence, Im sorry.

i honestly doubt it. When pre-orders just fail and you already woke up that early, the only thing you know for sure is that this sh#t is gonna be sold out no time. You stay there anxious but you get it done.