Urge to murder, rising....
Urge to murder, rising....
Stick a GT in that scene and they’ve got their core market covered.
Really? You don’t rail about the rich and how they should give it back or how they should “pay their fair share?” even though “fair share” is poorly defined and always seems to be whatever else the other guy has.
It’s not a felony it’s a misdemeanor.
I think he’s doing it for the money. He has one brand with a lot of available cash and one that is failing, he’s raiding the coffers of Tesla to enrich himself personally while shafting the shareholders. There is no need to buy SolarCity to meet any of Tesla’s goals but there is if Elon wants a fat check for his…
There’s a market for it or Boeing wouldn’t bother designing it so what’s the problem? They sell a few more Dreamliners, someone gets their pimped out air pad, and Boeing’s workers get 1 more tick mark in the job security column.
Why? If I could afford one I’d buy it and so would you. Just because you envy someone doesn’t mean there’s a problem with them or anything else, it’s a problem with you.
One day she should find her car covered in horse shit.
They don’t need to seize the cars for that case nor would they need to drive them or do any of the things they have been doing. Why tip their hand if they’re looking at bigger charges? This is harassment.
Even the Supremes have upheld shit like this even in cases where the aggrieved party was innocent.
It made the FBI crawl up their asses with a magnifying glass, but that doesn’t matter if what they’re doing is legal and technically this shit still is.
Supreme Court has already ruled it constitutional, worse they ruled that the government had the right even if you were never convicted of a crime and were innocent of all charges.
Thank you for that, I have to explain the same thing to idiots who think they can get in my car without putting on their seat belts. The car doesn’t move until that fucking belt is on or they can walk, and that’s been my rule since I was 15.
If it had included data from a decade sooner I wouldn’t be surprised if half of them were related to Air Force One.
I just hope that those people who are still on XP are on it because they have to be and not because they want to, it seriously needs to die a dignified death. We stopped supporting XP and IE8 almost 2 years ago because keeping that support on our workstations or websites left us far too vulnerable to attack.
I lost one of my best guys to them, I hope the stink doesn’t rub off on him.
Optimism isn’t bad as long as you’re able to face reality. Dreaming without planning is how you run right down a bad road.
So it would require a design that allows for an easily swappable battery, service centers at regular intervals along all major highways, and the right infrastructure and redundancy in place to allow them to make the swaps quickly and efficiently. And all of the cost of that will have to be worth the investment, sounds…
No trucker would want to have to make a stop every 4 hours unless they absolutely had to. I believe they’re required to take a 30 minute break every 8 hours, but they can go over 2,000 miles per tank. They would lose an insane amount of time if they had to stop to replace batteries constantly.
It will be mandated in the name of safety and “for the children,” just like everything else the government does. They will cite safety numbers and claim how much better life will be without us dangerous drivers around and as our numbers shrink we will be regulated to track use only, we will effectively be gone from…