
You surround yourself with more knowledgeble gamers and believe that makes up the majority of users. It’s a common problem in pretty much every gaming community I’ve ever been a part of .

The point is where do you draw the line? Should they cater to your line? Or mine?

Good move, Valve. A platform should be an agnostic canvas for artists, not a playing field for corporations to push their morals on others. 

That’s a load of horseshit and you know it.

For strict Christians, they seem like sabotaging dickwads. (Also, they had no problem with Jordon going on ABC’s Festival of Herpes??)

Who gives a fuck if it’s a victory for Trump or not though. After decades of U.S. jobs being shipped elsewhere it should be regarded as a victory if 700 jobs are staying in America. That’s what people should be focusing on.

I demand an investigation into the Russian hacking of Mariah Carey’s performance tonight.

California’s chain checkpoints and laws are a joke. Having parents in both Washington and SoCal growing up I learned to drive in the deep snow and got to ski in the SoCal mountains. 1st time we woke up, threw chains on to make it up the steep climb through the neighborhood cabins and as soon as we hit the flat main

Actually, most likely someone never submitted the green form environmental impact statement in triplicate for getting out of bed that morning, paid the appropriate carbon credits and evironmental pollution fees, and failed to bribe the right people the appropriate amount to gain the required permit to operate said

OMFG! Trump is killing babies and eating new born seals. He is going to ..er...um, wait. Were talking about Obama? Nevermind, he is great. His actions will bring back Jesus.

Democrats changed the filibuster procedure in 2013, now they get to lay in the bed. But they don’t learn. Now, Obama is trying to play dirty games against a Republican party, a party that is slated to control all 3 executive branches. Great Idea!!!

As usual for all discussions of this type, Progressives make a claim that is ridiculous on its face like it is fact and it is NEVER questioned.

Oh, there you go again...stating facts to leftists. Don’t you know they only worry about their current emotional needs and facts do not matter? Keep that up and we’ll have to build an emergency safe space here to manage all the fractured nerves.
Do you know how hard it is to get a koala bear for the soothing sessions

“Is... is there any support, outside Donald Trump’s warped mind, for an expanded nuclear arsenal? I could see support for modernizing the arsenal.”

Read the supporting article I originally posted. I see no mention of CAFE (corporate average fuel economy) in it.

Wouldn’t the appropriate metaphor have Lewis winning the popular vote (the one that doesn’t count) since Rosberg was champion?

But every Bolt they sell in CA gives them the right to sell a Silverado in CA (or something like that, they’ve got to sell a few 9k losers to be able to reap the 10k+ profit on a truck)

He’s a Dad. He got Dad Jokes.

Then the plans went to idiots Luke and Han . Who got medals for their bumbling drunkenly through life.