
I wonder what made them recant...

"truther" means to doubt the generally accepted account of an event. i'm pretty sure anyone who played at minimum middle school B-team basketball generally accepts that was a travel and blown call, smart guy.

Hahaha "good but not great" teams. As KU sits #1 in the nation in RPI (ahead of Kentucky). Get this dude off of college basketball, Deadspin!

A 4-step travel is a "nice spin move", eh? So is a full sprint to the basket from half court without dribbling a "hard, quick drive" to you? We've got some real basketball knowledge on Deadspin, fellas.

Hey?! Which part of Frozen wasn't true? The talking snowman? The witch with freezing powers? Was anything true? I'm shattered....

And he said a minute later that Kyrie was at Duke, not Kentucky. He corrected himself. But that doesn't fit your narrative! And funny how neither Webber or Marv corrected him. It was probably the stat person.

Oh man, what a moron. He said Kyrie went to the wrong school. Fucking idiot.

I know us Americans only watch soccer for a month every 4 years and all, but we really could act less stupid when it comes to soccer. Putting your hand on a dude's shoulder and pulling is a foul, regardless of his reaction. I understand the pros tend to get away with a lot more (and a lot less at the same time oddly

do people STILL not understand what contract riders are ACTUALLY for? the REAL purpose of these oddly specific riders is so that management can walk into a room and know weather or not the venue has actually read the whole contract.

Are you implying that he won a free kick because he hit himself? So being turned around by the shoulder from the opposing team is not a foul?

This seems like a pretty reasonable response on his part. I don't particularly understand where the paragraph by paragraph snark is coming from.

So after being on tour, of sorts, I understand riders.

Actually I would say the defender pulling Rui down by the neck is actually what caused the free kick.

"Great point!"

"Something about media sucks," said the media critic, WHO WAS ALSO MEDIA.

And I love the irony in these articles: "Athlete says media is stupid, and that's awesome!" said member of the media.

I am close to an officer that regularly sits/supervises inmates within hospitals. I'd like to clear up some misconceptions because it's no one considered why the officers have security measures or what these security measures actually entail.

Fuck off Tim. Jesus. He "drags" him no more than a foot.

Yep. Don't you just feel crushed for the idiot not just showing his hands? Now he's dead.

The writers at jezebel don't get paid when they get a story right. They get paid when a story goes viral and people click on it a lot. Jezebel doesn't really fact check its stories and purports to update things only when "something is wrong in a story." I doubt they'll find any information about Nieto's psychiatric