
get off deadspin's dick bruh

I think putting bad teams on the court and performing badly on purpose are two different things here.

I am 100% on the side of No Red Tape in terms of their objectives. But why would they think that there wouldn't be consequences to their actions? Did they think the administration would high-five them for interrupting admissions sessions? I hope this letter is just P.R. and that they are savvy enough to be thinking

Yep, I think there are certain parts of Alaska where it's irresponsible *not* to carry a gun. That said, this shouldn't have happened.

Alaska is somewhere I can understand why people have guns. However fucking be responsible assholes!

Was anyone else one of those uber-sensitive kids who ascribed feelings to their toys and stuffed animals? I used to play with all of my toys on a rotation because I was afraid of hurting their feelings. I kind of did that with my clothes too - I would feel guilty if I didn't wear my red shirt for a while because I was

Your choice of picture makes me REALLY wish for Mayweather-Bieber instead of Mayweather-Pacquiao.

Yeah hi, like... 2002 called, it wants its discovery of new things back.

So step #1 is make lots of money for 18 years and save up? Got it, very helpful.

By the way, a galactic FUCK YOU to this movie for inspiring four billion thinkpieces from the Problem Internet.

class systems on a train, brah!

I am monogamously promiscuous. I like to be slutty with one guy.

Condoms plus birth control = no babies. A condom = probably no babies, but condoms can break.

Typical, big-shots in Washington never listen.

It didn't go in, so it's a miss. Not really heartbreaking, more of a god dangit.

If I'm going out to eat, I'm not going to care about calories. I'm going to die anyway and I might as well enjoy my food most of the time.

Eh, fuck it. $10,000 is a decent chunk of change. Even at his salary, that's probably still a whole paycheck. It's not going to break him, not even close. But it will keep him from speaking his mind more often. 5 or 6 of those a season and he would probably start feeling it. If some dumbass college kids really

It's standard practice to use allegedly even it it seems "open and shut" because the news is a matter of public record, and because journalists (or bloggers, if they expect to be taken seriously as journalists) don't get to play judge and jury. Not using "allegedly" when there's been no conviction is just sloppy and

"genetic sexual attraction is normal" —- please don't say stuff like this. You follow this up a sentence or two later saying that you were an abuse victim. This is NOT normal, do NOT attempt to normalize your experience. This may be COMMON, but DON'T say it's normal. It is not ok.

Seriously, the Yankees haven't had a losing record since 1992 (not to mention the 5 World Series, 7 AL Pennants, and 13 Divisional Titles in that time frame) and this guy is bitching about them acknowledging some of the key players involved. I think just about every franchise would kill for that level of success.