
No, Michael Sam is not in the NFL because he wasn't good enough.

Does deleting the negative responses make you feel better about yourself?

They didn't tell them to stop protesting, they told them to stop hijacking campus events to get their message out. Not that hard to understand.

Or feminist making rash generalizations about men!

Please make more generalizations in your writing. This is good, but would be better if you had more blanket statements going.

Comparing Dick Vitale to Gus Johnson is a fucking travesty. Johnson shouldn't even be mentioned in the same breath.

Why doesn't Peyton pay his employees $19M a year????? WHY???

Maybe if you posted better videos, people would bitch less.

Not sentimental, just a fucking moron.

Yeah, fuck "due process" and "innocent until proven guilty" because it sounds open and shut to you.

I know you guys at Jezebel love jumping to conclusions, but unless he has confessed to murder or been convicted, you have to put "allegedly" in your headline. This is journalism 101 stuff.

But no one gets rich off rape accusations!!!!!!!!!!!

Did you even bother to watch it before posting?

I love it when you criticize sports media like you're somehow above them. It's cute.

Maybe blame the fuckers that raped a girl instead of getting all BAN ALL FRATS!!!!! Just an idea.

But how pissed off would you have been if it had been Scalia instead?

No other species learns in a formal setting, so should we stop schools too??

Let's instead imagine a band that is getting paid to go perform overseas, not for Americans but for the people of the country. Unfortunately, it is a very antisemitic country they are going to, and the drummer of the band is Jewish. As a result, the band decides that it's best if the drummer stays home, "for his